Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her [noun] into the " in BNC.

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1 She waited until the car vanished round the bend then waited some more until the whine of the engine was at last lost in the distance , then she slowly made her way into the house .
2 ‘ Aaah , ’ Lucinda said again , impatiently sinking her knife into the pie crust , watching fascinated as hot brown gravy oozed out .
3 Throwing him a look of haughty disdain , she bent down to push her boots into the ski-bindings , furiously aware that he was watching her every move .
4 On their way to the station she would not throw her coin into the Trevi Fountain .
5 By 1848 Judith Holt , the diarist , had already followed her sister into the grave , at the age of forty-three ; she had failed by only one year to attain the average life span of the gentry and professional class , to which her husband belonged .
6 She was not offering her hand into the keeping of a hungry crocodile , and there was something very cold-blooded about the glitter in Mr Blake 's admittedly fascinating eyes .
7 She sat down in the chair at the head of the cot and very carefully slid her forefinger into the baby 's hand .
8 Party leaders were concerned by the ‘ two for the price of one ’ sales pitch Hillary was using as she stumped around the country , often leading her husband into the fray rather than following .
9 Following on from the IWM 's history of Duxford work , Mary is now getting her teeth into the service history of the IWM/Shuttleworth combined Sea Hurricane I restoration project .
10 Charming , thought Isabel indignantly , as she cautiously felt her way into the hut .
11 Great Aunt S was simply pouring her tea into the saucer , whereupon she drank it down with a loud slurp .
12 She would even extend her fancy into the shops she visited , seeing them as markets where she could choose a fish by the brightness of its eye , a chicken by its stiff yellow claws and plump breast , or pick out tangerines with the leaves still on them .
13 Rose closed the door behind Joan Gilmour , then followed her son into the kitchen .
14 He motioned her to silence , then watched her climb into the car and start the engine .
15 One concerned neighbour — who is now looking after the boy — eventually pushed her way into the flat and found the stricken woman lying on the floor of the front room with a sheet over her .
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