Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] go to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Larkin says his suffering is worse for knowing that Gary had only agreed to go to Chorley at the last minute after two people , a man and a woman , had spoken separately to him on the phone .
2 Intriguingly enough , the only way I can make Selina actually want to go to bed with me is by not wanting to go to bed with her .
3 She blamed herself for trusting him to wait , for not refusing to go to Sniffy without the van keys in her possession .
4 But her mum refused to hand over a penny — and Chris 's parents finally decided to go to court for the cash .
5 Unlike plants and animals we do not have to go to bed with the sun or to get up at each high tide ; our man-made environment is based on a 24-hour solar day of course , but it need not be timed to coincide with sunrise or sunset .
6 He was not allowed to go to Brussels for the European premiere of his play The Crucible .
7 But to present the full scenario and then vote er on the the different items er so that voting is done on items on the amendment before we then proceed er if you want to we just have to go to amendments to that because of course no two amendments can be on the floor at the same time .
8 ‘ In the circumstances , how could you possibly want to go to bed with someone like me ? ’
9 True , some buyers may still prefer going to IBM for ‘ company-wide ’ systems and mainframe-based servers , but their number is dwindling as PC-based systems grow more powerful .
10 Although Compaq has long-favoured the SCO brand of Unix on its machines — the two have an existing joint integration agreement — resellers have always had to go to SCO for product .
11 Herodotus can not bring himself to believe in a story which gives as the cause of centuries of rivalry ‘ nothing worse than woman-stealing on both sides ’ ( 42 ) , for he does not think the Greeks could possibly have gone to war over anything so trivial , and indeed he appears to concur with the Persian view that ‘ no young woman allows herself to be abducted if she does not wish to be ’ ( 42 ) .
12 She nearly always does go to bed with me , if I shout at her a lot or threaten her or give her enough money .
13 Hereford and Cheltenham both won on Saturday and in the draw for the second round United were out first … but no team ever likes going to Yeovil in the FA Cup … better news for Cheltenham … they 're at home to league opposition … and should fill the ground
14 ‘ Silas is still longing to go to bed with me , so you can wish me luck that I 'll get him there eventually — but in the right circumstances , of course . ’
15 that I fear , that sooner or later , we 'll probably have to go to war with Saddam again
16 Suppose her mother were n't conscious enough to make an Act of Perfect Contrition in the second before she died , well , she 'd probably have to go to purgatory for a bit and burn .
17 It makes sense that they would really have gone to town on the modifications . ’
18 So they really do go to town in finding out your personal existing investments .
19 ‘ You do n't want to go to bed with me ? ’
20 But I do n't want to go to bed with you .
21 I do n't want to go to bed with you , I 'm speaking about the situation .
22 The trouble is , when I do n't want to go to bed with her ( and it does happen ) , I do n't want to go to bed with her .
23 The trouble is , when I do n't want to go to bed with her ( and it does happen ) , I do n't want to go to bed with her .
24 ‘ I knew two sorts of women , ’ he said thickly , not looking at her , ‘ the women I loved but did n't want to go to bed with .
25 ‘ You 're not in love with him and you do n't want to go to bed with him , but you do love him .
26 you do n't want to go to bed with knots in your hair
27 Sometimes she does n't want to go to school at all . ’
28 If he did n't want to go to court for a very minor offence , then you could caution him .
29 I 'm only here under duress because I did n't want to go to court over this nonsense .
30 People are n't made to go to college at night , people go because they want to .
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