Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Alain asked quietly as they slowly made their way to the car later .
2 Athelstan checked that the windows and doors of the priest 's house were locked , slung his saddle bags over a protesting Philomel , and both horse and rider wearily made their way along the icy track .
3 These great leviathans of the air eventually met their demise with the development of British high flying aircraft armed with guns firing incendiary bullets .
4 They were everywhere , slowly inching their way across the desert .
5 The Home Secretary deftly referred their claims to the expert , and non-political , Advisory Council on the Treatment of Offenders .
6 Since they evidently have a rate control " knob " on their " stroboscope " , why do n't they turn it permanently to maximum , thereby keeping their perception of the world at its most acute , all the time , to meet any emergency ?
7 When they were n't , we rafting rookies would leave the boats and watch the guides skilfully manoeuvre their way through the thundering foam .
8 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
9 These burrowing earthworms literally eat their way through the soil forming deep , vertical , permanent burrows with smooth walls cemented together with mucus secretions .
10 American insurers already reckon there is a $40bn ( about £26bn ) market for foreign investors brave enough to risk their capital in the old Soviet Union .
11 The Picts are said to have fiercely resented their subjection to the Saxons and attacked Ecgfrith who defeated them with the help of his sub-king ( subregulus ) , Beornhaeth ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 19 ) , probably between the Avon and the Carron ( in Manau of the Gododdin ) .
12 When the Prince and Princess of Wales quite rightly scrapped their tour of the mainland , they had the opportunity to make a contrasting point in Hong Kong .
13 And that is excellent news for Reds manager Frankie Parks who is increasingly worried he wo n't have men fit enough to write their names on the team sheet .
14 Even the Nato arms controllers meeting in Vienna , whose job it is to negotiate East-West reductions in conventional armed forces , can only pursue their objectives on the basis of confrontation between their alliance and the Warsaw Pact .
15 They drank coffee and played cards throughout the long haul to London , only interrupting their concentration for the Sheikh 's frequent visits aft to watch over his son .
16 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
17 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
18 In their case , there seems no doubt that it greatly enhanced their belief in the strength of their royalty as kings of Scotland .
19 Organisations can only achieve their goals by the coordinated efforts of their members .
20 Customs and beliefs deriving from a pagan past may have been frowned upon , but they did not necessarily exclude their adherents from the community of Christians .
21 Sir Lawrence Byford , the president of Yorkshire CCC , is personally advocating their inclusion in the coaching .
22 The cod , he reported , were so thick in the water that his sailors had only to lower their baskets over the side to fill them with fish .
23 So what the philosopher has to do is to look at these , all these various factors and begin to try and make people conscious of the inadequacies of the way in which they live , and of the new possibilities which are open to them , if they will only project their minds outside the established bounds .
24 ‘ The Independent claims it has lost just 2pc , which not only undermines their submission to the OFT , but also indicates we may be expanding the market and attracting a number of lapsed broadsheet readers back to the fold . ’
25 perhaps erm perhaps they 're only parking their caravan on the .
26 Magistrates can only use their discretion within the law . ’
27 Ivan the Terrible had not only decimated their ranks during the oprichnina but had eroded the distinction between their hereditary property ( votchina ) and the conditional terms of the pomestie by establishing a norm of military service to be borne by all estates .
28 On difficult and urgent occasions — in 1356 , 1370 , 1371 , 1373 and twice in 1377 the king sent lay councillors and magnates along to exert their pressure upon the clergy .
29 They could do this by ‘ numbering ’ from the two ends and so know their position in the line .
30 They carry quasi-symbolic meaning : bears , cats and forest fires are objects of fear to the people and so convey their recognition of the power and danger of the new people .
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