Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in [noun sg] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So smothers in blood the burning
2 So when the Deputy Public Prosecutor himself suddenly appeared in person the assembled newshounds reacted like a gaggle of novices witnessing an apparition of the Virgin Mary .
3 The rule had been amended so that nominations for the Committee were restricted to full male or female members of five years standing , and where ladies are concerned , were not to exceed in number the direct ratio to the numerical strength of their respective section .
4 In all of this , the Library recognises that it can only advance in the closest possible cooperation and consultation with those organisations , most notably university departments and university libraries , which have already set in place the academic and technological infrastructure to which we hope to make an increasingly useful contribution .
5 This was usually discouraged in case the wild ape became too dependent on hand-outs .
6 After the war Saddam rapidly reduced in size the regular army , once a million strong , but not the ten Republican Guard divisions , known for their loyalty to the regime .
7 What is clear is that she rapidly took in hand the Communist Party cells in the various academic bodies to which she was attached .
8 It is not always easy to directly compare the interest rates between different lenders because of differences in the way the charges are calculated — a good guide is the APR rather than the basic rate — and always bear in mind the possible arrangement or setting up fees !
9 A solicitor will generally be free to decide for himself whether or not to accept instructions from a client , though he must always bear in mind the statutory obligation not to discriminate against potential clients on the grounds of race , colour , sex etc ( see Chapter 3 ) and he must refuse to act or to continue to act in any of the following circumstances : ( 1 ) where his client seeks to insist on the solicitor conducting his case in a way which would involve some breach of law or professional regulation ; ( 2 ) where the client 's affairs are outside his professional competence ; ( 3 ) if he suspects that the instructions purporting to come from his client do not in fact represent the client 's wishes ; ( 4 ) where the solicitor is unable to obtain confirmation from the client of instructions received from a third person ; ( 5 ) where there is or is likely to be some conflict of interest involving the solicitor himself , his client , other clients ( present , past or prospective ) , or the firm ; ( 6 ) where the solicitor may be a material and not merely formal witness in any proceedings ; ( 7 ) where another solicitor has already received instructions which have not been formally withdrawn .
10 Thassos sits in the Northern Aegean like a soupbowl on a plate — the mountains rise steeply from a narrow coastal plain , gradually decreasing in height the closer you get to the centre .
11 For psychology , … the question of its essence , or ( more modestly ) of its concept , also puts in question the very existence of the psychologist to the extent that , being unable to declare exactly what he is , he finds it extremely difficult to answer for what he does .
12 It would also put in jeopardy the global effort to halt the spread of nuclear weapons .
13 However such applications must be looked at carefully bearing in mind the whole environmental question .
14 It ties in with the fifth principle that ‘ personal data shall be accurate and , where necessary , kept up-to-date ’ — a formidable requirement , if taken literally , in view of the frequency with which personal details ( address , etc. ) can change , and also bearing in mind the possible diversity of sources of information ; and who but the data subject can be the true judge of accuracy — unless of course he may have an interest in falsifying the record ?
15 The present interrelationship between control of the schools and the two alliances varies in each part of Ireland , though one should also bear in mind the additional underpinning of the alliances both North and South by one of the traditional values of bourgeois capitalism , private and selective schooling .
16 We should also bear in mind the environmental requirements of the kinds of fish we intend to keep .
17 Improved road and rail links with the rest of Britain , good local amenities , and a wide range of leisure activities make the West Country a popular location for weekend home owners , and retirement.And retired people should also bear in mind the high cost of French health care .
18 Having focused on the considerations for multinationals , we must also bear in mind the domestic inflationary consequences for UK companies .
19 I hope that Belgian Ministers involved in the fate of this airfield will read this and consider seriously the disadvantages of closure of Grimbergen , and they should also bear in mind the forthcoming elections !
20 But I also have in mind the massive destruction of delicate , irreplaceable ecosystems ( the rain forests of the world are the most obvious example ) , the massive pollution of the waters of the earth , the massive loss of top soil , the massive contribution to the greenhouse effect , and — lest we forget — the massive assault on human health that can be attributed directly and indirectly to the massive production and consumption of so-called ‘ food ’ animals that characterise our times .
21 We have achieved a better than expected pro-forma combined profit and Stoddard Sekers is now putting in place the strategic plans to enable it to grow strongly both organically and by acquisition ’ .
22 As exclusively revealed in Limit the 28-year-old rave whiz — who so far has sold 60,000 records — works for the Inland Revenue which bans staff from moonlighting .
23 I was kept in a cell overnight to appear in court the next morning .
24 The razzmatazz of a US election can be an education for anyone not fully versed in politics the American way , but just how does the rather involved system work ?
25 This approach has enormously suggestive potential for analysis of listening , for it fully accepts the significance of new perceptual attitudes and situations while by-passing or at least putting in question the usual , too easy Adorn Ian assumptions of passivity .
26 He undoubtedly had in mind the particular patterns and balanced relationship of the various dances ( i.e. solos , grands pas , variations , etc. ) as laid out in all Petipa ballets and he made the ballerina the focus of all attention .
27 They have vigorously contested in court the Metropolitan 's assertion that the Turkish government was tardy in pursuing its claim .
28 It has lived , among other things , a life of intricate self-contemplation , rather like Crusoe keeping calendar of the days and weeks and faithfully observing in solitude the ancient usages of his tribe .
29 Johnson therefore knew in advance the principal social and economic demography of his readership — the professional and/or wealthy classes in and around London .
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