Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun sg] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An auxiliary , therefore , does not evoke a separate event from that expressed by the verb form it accompanies , but merely denotes the way the latter 's event is conceived , the point of view from which the speaker regards it .
2 Our brain not only turns the image the right way up , but also adds a considerable amount of detail .
3 A second rapper causes batted eyelids for a time , and the addition of a second guitar during an encore of ‘ Go Wild ’ suddenly give the sound the extra bite it 's been missing all night , but if 25th Of May are going to appeal on musical merit as a vehicle for their politics , they 'll have to update their sound , experiment and hit harder than this .
4 In those last hours as the seas rushed in to devour the land the mightiest of the sorcerer lords of Nagarythe cast dark and terrible spells upon their keeps .
5 There was no doubt that they were expected to admire the former and scorn the latter ; anyone misguided enough to get the preference the wrong way round , would be regarded as at best naïve and misguided , and at worst corrupted in sensibility .
6 As those deft enough left the circle the remaining masses lost the sense of happening and re-entered the obscurity of mundane reality .
7 The message Chairman an and er having an idea of , of your second item of urgent business erm it , this perhaps provides the link the important er point that I wanted to emphasise was that the issue of rainfall , the defect on erm the drainage of an area and er water catchment areas and so on , drainage basins is a matter which can only be dealt with at the strategic level and it is therefore of considerable concern to me in view of local government and the questions that is raising about the future of strategic planning could actually make this coordination much more difficult in the future , unless we take steps now to protect the er strategic planning , whatever form local government takes strategic planning itself also needs a degree of
8 Four Australian cricket-writers and one Australian team manager will never forget the day at net practice in Christchurch on the 1985–86 tour of New Zealand when , during a routine discussion with the journalists on preparation for a one-day match , he made mention of the fact that he intended to resign if his shattered team did not win the match the following Saturday .
9 I have not seen the film The Last Temptation of Christ ( Reviews 189 ) and my comments therefore rely on your excellent review article .
10 He had put them in a place where the risk would be minimal and he had not pumped the gun the maximum number of times .
11 ‘ Thank you both , ’ Beth told them , at the same time stepping between the men and Cissie ; she did not like the way the younger man was regarding the girl .
12 He 's there , still curled up and still secured by the tape , but he must have wriggled his way through to here while you were down in the cellar ; he 's knocked over a table with the phone on it and he 's just turning the phone the right way up as you enter the lounge and see him .
13 If you decide not to call the witness the other side can still call them , but you can then cross-examine on the basis of the original statement to destroy their credibility .
14 Since , as has throughout been common ground , the defendants were not at liberty to divulge to others information acquired as agents for Mr. Brant , the defendants could not tell the plaintiff the true position without breaching their duty to Mr. Brant .
15 But the humour can not hide the heartache the unlikely companions feel locked away from their loved ones as they cope with their plight in their different ways .
16 That process is , in fact , already apparent in Sophocles , who no longer gives the chorus the major role ; instead , he limits its sphere to that of one of the characters , which face Aristotle ) destroys its meaning .
17 A single track of the defunct Marton train tram route as far as Kings Square , was kept intact to make this possible , thus making the Train the last tram to run through the Town Centre .
18 Clearly , the more prescribed the task the less room for manoeuvre and the less of a challenge for the group .
19 Naturally the more challenging the holiday the higher the price , especially if the reward for six hours in the saddle — with perhaps some of it spent in the rain — is a hot bath and the creature comforts of at least a hotel .
20 He once told the Conducator the old ( apocryphal ) story about Churchill 's meeting with Stalin in October 1944 .
21 With the emergence of Muhammad Ali , no one would ever see the ring the same way again , nor even the fighters themselves ; a TV go , a purse and a sheared lip would never be enough ; and a title was just a belt unless you did something with it .
22 The more constrained the grammar the greater the reduction in the number of incorrect partial solutions .
23 Not surprisingly , I always pass the dentist the right drill in the surgery . ’
24 Paradoxically the more advanced the technology the easier it is to provide good simulation .
25 The more crowded the car the merrier the faces seemed to be .
26 Erm if a window 's been smashed , then we 'll we 'll get the window boarded up to secure the flat the best possible way .
27 It also describes the way the New OED Computer Group and the Computer Services Department must complete their sections of the forms to inform the lexicographers that the tasks set by the issuing of these forms have been completed .
28 The restoration has also revealed the way the archaeological elements were doctored to make them fit together as a sophisticated whole .
29 If a previously approved module is part of a package which is undergoing approval then provided that the module is specified as ‘ Latest ’ , LIFESPAN will automatically give the module the next highest approved issue number and add the approval caveat ( if one has been supplied ) .
30 Not only do they provide for lefties , they also keep the price the same as the right-handed models .
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