Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Philosophically and technically town planning demonstrated in Britain , as elsewhere , an operational capacity to conceive and prepare a metropolitan plan , robust enough to stand the test of time .
2 At present , there is no means by which a judge can sufficiently control the length of time taken by a defendant , particularly — this was not the case with the County NatWest and Blue Arrow trial — one who is defending himself .
3 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
4 She seemed worried that Prince Charles would not make the wedding in time .
5 The most interesting condition occurs under item 9 ( Liability of seller ) : Under the Trade Descriptions Act , SLAD may not stipulate the period of time of this warranty , but it recommends that its members guarantee the authenticity of what they are selling for a period of six years .
6 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
7 Some of the assumptions of the programme , however , had not withstood the test of time , and there were elements of ‘ detachment from reality , undue anticipation and unnecessary detail ’ .
8 We can not sustain the investment of time and money necessary for successful database publishing — although we are going ahead with a pilot scheme to make an on-line version of the annotated catalogue of our world-famous Clark Collection available at no charge through JANET .
9 But Cronin and Fitch showed that if one replaces particles by antiparticles and takes the mirror image , but does not reverse the direction of time , then the universe does not behave the same .
10 The observation checklist did not record the length of time each transaction took .
11 We believe that it is not fair , it is not practical , and it will not stand the test of time .
12 An association with ‘ urgency ’ has been found when the child passes urine frequently and with great urgency , often not reaching the lavatory in time ( Berg et al .
13 have very little warning before you need to go , and sometimes do not reach the lavatory in time ;
14 But in a judgment at Jedburgh Sheriff Court yesterday , Sheriff James Paterson accepted a plea on Neil 's behalf that the charges were incompetent because the prosecution had not served the complaint in time .
15 Do not let the pressure of time overcome you : try to remain calm , and attempt to compose your images .
16 MOST BOOKS on branch lines record enterprises that have not stood the test of time and are no longer with us .
17 If it appears that the original decisions were taken on the basis of assumptions which have not stood the test of time it is as well to re-run the exercise .
18 If some of Hoppé 's portraits and genre pictures have not stood the test of time , his influence on his contemporaries , his restless experimentation , his role in helping to found the London Salon of Photography , and his nineteen books made him an important figure in the history of twentieth-century photography .
19 In consumer matters these rights have not stood the test of time , and in modern economic conditions , Britain and other Western nations have had to introduce numerous statutory regulations to clarify and indeed strengthen the rights of individual consumers .
20 The arguments had not stood the test of time too well , but it ended pithily enough : ‘ What the working man wants from the war is work . ’
21 The performances have not stood the test of time ; a successor would be very welcome .
22 As science had gradually eroded the freedom of time , so it had eroded the freedom of belief .
23 He always paid the rent on time , but he was late for December .
24 In the winter , the Government were driven to the desperation of calling upon alchemy — ’ what Disraeli once called the alchemy of time . ’
25 Do you always leave the office on time ?
26 The quantity of detail and the resultant record size will also affect the amount of time involved in the creation of a single record .
27 To locate faint sounds we automatically maximise the difference in time of arrival and loudness of the sound by turning our head until one ear is facing the source of the sound .
28 Although I am always prepared to enter discussions with the hon. Gentleman about hypothetical matters , one must also balance the amount of time and expense that it would take to comment on something that is not a reality .
29 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
30 The dinosaurs probably lost the race against time , having already lost bipedality and vestigial hands at the time when mammalian-type warm-bloodedness would almost certainly have guaranteed their survival into perpetuity .
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