Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] not he [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , when readers complain about the lives of writers — why did n't he do this ; why did n't he protest to the newspapers about that ; why was n't he more involved in life ? — are n't they really asking a simpler , and vainer , question : why is n't he more like us ?
2 ‘ Then why did n't he go to the police if he had ? ’
3 " Why did n't he go to the bottom ? "
4 Why did n't he go to , they 've got a lovely Burton 's in the precinct over there now .
5 Why did n't he come to my house for ?
6 The Prime Minister wants to bribe , they want to build — why does not he listen to them ?
7 Why does n't he speak to me ?
8 ‘ Then why does n't he write to me ? ’
9 Well , why does n't he come to us ?
10 Why had n't he written to me ?
11 Why had n't he stuck to Grade 12 girls ?
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