Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] he [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Botham had the first six wickets before Marshall and Baptiste held him up for while , Marshall being lucky not to be on the wrong end of a legendary catch when Don Topley , a groundstaff boy who went on to play for Essex , brilliantly caught him one-handed on the square leg boundary , only to put one foot over the rope .
2 His 69 Test wickets cost 38.72 each , and against England he took 28 wickets at 43 — expensive , but good enough to put him high on the list of all-rounders .
3 I was lucky enough to knock him out in the first round .
4 Theodora gently steered him back to the house and set him in a deckchair on the south-facing terrace .
5 It was true that she had literally brought him back from the dead .
6 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
7 A boyfriend came with her , rather unkempt , so keep him out for the time being at least .
8 Having watched and assessed the track record of some young officer , the middle-ranking detectives will perhaps put him forward as a candidate , and I have watched as potential members were admitted only after a series of phone calls had ensured their acceptability to the department .
9 Worthless character had now run foul of the law and was willing to take one final payment , enough to get him out of the State , and out of her life for ever .
10 If he fixed a price with the buyer , and the buyer asked for Modigliani 's address , the painter was likely to give away his work at a lower price or offer it as a present if the purchaser was shrewd enough to take him out for a meal and a few drinks .
11 Mid-way through the scene , his anger at the taking of his wallet by one of the policemen is apparent in the disjointed nature of his outburst , but his turn peters out timidly as " MAN 3 gently pushes him back into the chair " ( p. 67 ) .
12 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
13 Richard 's achievement of the throne necessarily brings him out into the open , where fraud and concealment are of no use and force alone can preserve him .
14 A moment ago , the Home Secretary said that every applicant for asylum would have the right to go to an appeal tribunal , and his hon. Friend the Member for Lancaster ( Dame E. Kellett-Bowman ) rightly picked him up on the point .
15 This strategy marks a structure of repetition in Sartre 's text : each time he poses the question of how there can be totalization of History without a totalizer , he retreats to a more limited example whose unity is already evident , but which in the end only brings him back to the original question again .
16 But despite Mr McDonald 's frantic efforts , the kiss of life was not enough to bring him back from the dead .
17 However , I seem to remember Mad Carew aptly described him once as a ‘ block of flats ’ .
18 Just be sure that your opponent does not trap him there with the Orb of Thunder , so keep that Dispel scroll handy .
19 The impact of the boar 's body rolled that leopard over and over all the way back to the forest edge and finally threw him up into the air in a somersault .
20 Early last week the Sun apologised for saying he had never had a real job , but in truth a four-year stint as a tutor organiser in industrial and trade unions at the Workers ' Educational Association 25 years ago does not exactly set him up for a glittering new career .
21 For all that , had she been right just to abandon him pitilessly for the first dashing knight to Pass her way ?
22 He looked , she thought , as though someone had just kicked him hard in the stomach .
23 Will Carling , the captain of England , is travelling there for the first time and the selectors decided not to weigh him down with the cares of office .
24 So I just rang him up with a very informal ‘ Hi , David ! ’ instead of a more deferential ‘ Excuse me , Doctor Delvin ’ .
25 Interest to see how he plays David Lawrence when he gets his he 'll be , he can just slash him away on the off side .
26 An old servant , bald as a badger , yellow-faced and wizened , bustled towards us with all the speed of a snail ; he mumbled apologies in French but Ralemberg just tapped him gently on the shoulder and told him not to worry .
27 Swing , he screamed at himself as his arms crashed into the pine , not holding , but the weight of his body already carrying him on in the next arc of his trajectory .
28 However , although these disanalogies were fundamental , Darwin 's theorizing had not taken him out of the causal , lawful , deterministic Newtonian universe , into one as irreducibly acausal and absolutely probabilistic as is sometimes thought implicit in quantum mechanics .
29 The local police no longer stop him for speeding through the sleepy streets of his home town of Riolo Terme , they just pull him over for an autograph .
30 Maybe just throw him out down the road here .
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