Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] new " in BNC.

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1 It 's as if my mind has suddenly broken through into a new area , a space , a vast capacity which I never dreamt I had .
2 But the wine-makers are winning , so watch out for a new wave of pretty , vibrant , strawberry-scented Australian Pinot — unlikely to be cheap — but Pinot seldom is .
3 So stand by for a new trade war , as America is accused of dumping subsidised security services on world markets ?
4 Generosity , however , was not an emotion that could be found in many Palestinian hearts in Lebanon , and the hatred that burned in 1948 was eagerly taken up by a new generation .
5 Sun Microsystems Inc 's Computer Corp unit duly came out with a new , cheaper Sparcstation IPC last week , offering a colour system for under $6,000 — £5,000 in the UK — for the first time .
6 ‘ New linguistics ’ , for us , included books on English by , , and ; but at that time we had not caught up with the new developments associated with .
7 Imagine you have just moved in to a new flat .
8 Meanwhile look out for the new Fashion Editor Edwardian-style frock coats with their theatrical , dandyish look .
9 Some have suggested that the time of death should be postdated to the ninth century , arguing that while the reign of Charlemagne ( 768 – 814 ) saw a last futile effort to revive a state-run fiscal system , rigor mortis finally set in with the new barbarian onslaughts of Vikings and Saracens .
10 If you wish to have separate UICs , simply copy the account you have already set up to a new UIC and VMS account name .
11 It claims that over 1,000 independent software vendors have already signed up for the new version .
12 It claims over 1,000 ISVs have already signed up for the new version .
13 REUTERS is to make early payment of its 1992 final dividend so shareholders will not lose out from the new tax arrangements introduced in the Budget .
14 The chairman , Chris Patten , will shortly sit down with the new head of the Downing Street policy unit , Sarah Hogg , to write the first draft of Mr Major 's manifesto .
15 I did miss him , though , and I quickly met up with a new boyfriend , Mark , in whom I again confided about my strange ‘ food hang-ups ’ , as I called them , whilst keeping my other friendships quite superficial by always pretending everything was fine .
16 And the advice was on the back of the most comprehensive research ever carried out for a new paper .
17 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
18 This type of contravention of the offence will be gradually phased out by the new ‘ life ’ licences , although such offences could be committed by 70 year olds , provisional licence holders on expiry of such a licence and people suffering from certain disabilities who can only hold licences for restricted periods .
19 Robert Wharton F was formally sworn in as the new President of the CIOB at the Institute 's Annual General Meeting on June 30 at its headquarters building in Englemere , Ascot .
20 ‘ Speaking generally , ’ Bray wrote in Boy Labour and Apprenticeship ( 1911 ) , ‘ the city-bred youth is growing up in a state of unrestrained liberty ’ , and describing how ‘ the habits of school and home are rapidly sloughed off in the new life of irresponsible freedom ’ he agreed that ‘ the large amount of money he has to spend on himself is by no means an unmixed benefit ’ .
21 It says right get on to a new line .
22 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
23 The monitoring role of the LEA is clearly spelt out in the new legislation .
24 This is also tied up with the new contract bidding system , about which you may have read in the press .
25 The Council of Ministers ( members of which had been proposed in December 1989 — see p. 37116 ) was also sworn in by the new Chief Justice , Hans Berker .
26 Hewlett-Packard will also come out with a new revision of its HP/UX operating system , tarted up with some additional commercial and technical functionality .
27 All necessary information had been efficiently handed over to the new Teachers ' Representative , , who was then introduced and warmly welcomed by .
28 In the eyes of such politicians , industrial managers were not seen as the creators of the nation 's wealth , and the providers of job opportunities for the people , but as despoilers of the environment ; obsolete men , peddling obsolete views , who did n't really fit in with the new social scheme of things .
29 They rummage around and every so often come up with a new act .
30 In the month and a half it 's been delivering its high-end SparcCenter 2000s Sun has shipped 130 systems to paying customers : the firm has reportedly come up with a new 50MHz MPU module for its high-end SparcCenter 2000 that adds 2Mb external caches and improves database throughput from 20% to 40% .
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