Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has also been acutely pointed out that the title ‘ philhellene ’ , which was perhaps first given to Alexander I by writers of the fourth century , actually implies a denial that he was Greek .
2 The distinction between the meaning of the word ‘ agent ’ in the common law sense of ‘ special agent ’ and its meaning in what for the want of a better expression I will call its ‘ equitable sense ’ was not expressly pointed out until the judgment of the court was delivered by Slade L.J .
3 When cutting off the nozzle of a new bottle of pva glue , the contents will eventually dry out unless the hole is sealed again .
4 The mistaken identification of some red dye , accidentally spilled on a window sill , as blood , led to a riot that was only broken up when the mob was charged by soldiers led by a cutlass-wielding town councillor on horseback .
5 When we write the stories of people we know , we often fall into the trap of identifying too strongly with our subject and not giving the reader enough to go on because the material is too familiar to us .
6 Now I have finally begun , he wrote , I have only to go on and the end will arrive .
7 The gossip was that the farmer who owned the land was merely hanging on till the price came up to his requirements , then some builder would carve out of the hillside a super executive-type estate , with views for fifteen miles and mortgages for fifty years .
8 He rightly points out that the subject of the active clause must preserve the impersonality we normally associate with passive structures in many European languages .
9 Des Smith ( ‘ Forgotten innocents ’ , 20 March ) rightly points out that the conditions of the Guatemalan refugees have been largely ignored by the world 's media .
10 Our job seems to be simply to convey a willingness to talk , and gently test out whether the people involved want to start exploring their worries and anticipated issues ; but they must never be forced .
11 We are indeed living in the past , we who foolishly cry out that the past is dead …
12 More to fill in time , and perhaps to find out if the God of his childhood really did exist , after all .
13 The expedition organisers hope Harry Taylor will be fit enough to come down when the storm passes in 24 hours .
14 I went to the bookies to put a bet on it , only to find out that the odds had shortened to 14–1 .
15 It did not take her long to work out that the meal was going to cost her considerably more than she 'd saved by spending a rather miserable night in rue Roland .
16 It did not take Creggan long to work out that the Men could n't reach him .
17 Forage and concentrate was all bought in and the animals were kept in outdoor feedlots .
18 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
19 The front pushes wide on a steady throttle and the rears will only slide out if the power is cut suddenly on the faster curves .
20 The gaps in our data do not make it possible to say anything of statistical value , merely to point out that the evidence fragmentarily available suggests that it was by no means exceptional for women to be sole breadwinner in a household , usually in three precise sets of circumstances : in widowhood , with or without children ; after marriage when the husband was away , unemployed or chronically sick ; when unmarried , either living alone or — more frequently in our sample at any rate — caring for and responsible for an elderly parent or sick sibling .
21 If we had superhuman reactions then perhaps we could manage with a rigid pole , for we would then be fast enough to ease off when the fish made a sudden plunge .
22 One of his men had been foolish enough to point out that the Company Captain was unlikely to want to use the cooker and that there had n't been anybody in that cell in all the eight years he 'd been there .
23 And while she might not have done herself a lot of favours over the last five years , it has to be concluded that she is better getting out while the going 's still good .
24 The impression I have from such documents as I have seen is that the obvious hardship to the residents of Bridge and Medway Roads was somewhat played down and the employment and general economic benefits were underlined .
25 Article 36 bis spelled out that the basis for a member State of an organisation becoming bound to a third party with respect to a treaty concluded by the organisation was its express agreement .
26 The share price has only gone down because the market is generally down .
27 It occurred to her hazily that her own condition was like that of a bulb she had once seen when the power had been suddenly cut down and the light had dimmed to the faintest red glow in the filament .
28 Hooking up the Boss FV 300L pedal to this socket inserts into the effects chain after the compressor , distortion and noise suppressor but before the delay , chorus reverb and master ; this allows the reverb and delay to decay naturally , instead of being suddenly cut off when the patch or volume level changes .
29 Only strike out if the attacker enters your personal safety zone .
30 ‘ It seemed to me , and the team , that the flag only went up after the ball hit the back of the net , ’ he said .
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