Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] for [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Possibly he 'd reached the stage of being one who would merely use them for his own ends — especially his sex life .
2 ‘ Oh , it 's got nothing to do with business , ’ Alison replied with a laugh that ever so gently reprimanded me for my mercantile preoccupations .
3 He 's only doing it for my own good but I still do n't like it .
4 Well , I 'm only doing it for your own good .
5 ‘ She 's only telling you for your own good , dear , ’ Emily interposed .
6 monitor current prescriptions to make sure that children are not using them for their first experiments with drugs .
7 Whatever you may have read or heard about their relationship still can not prepare you for her own account .
8 Obviously this action-after-the-event does not compensate you for your lost holiday , but the hotel ultimately decides whose bookings it will honour in such situations , and sometimes it seeks to maximise its profit rather than honour contractual obligations .
9 Why not consider it for your top people now ?
10 A consequence of this duty is that a fiduciary must make available to a [ customer ] all the information in his possession which is relevant to the [ customer 's ] affairs ; ( 4 ) The duty of confidentiality : a fiduciary must use information obtained in confidence from his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , for the benefit of the [ customer ] and must not use it for his own advantage or for the benefit of any other person .
11 I mean we 're not doing it for our own good .
12 ‘ Well , do n't go on at me , I 'm just telling you for your own sake .
13 Do not ask me for its modern systematic name !
14 The rulers promptly monopolized it for their own regalia and as a medium for bestowing honour and obligations on their retainers .
15 ‘ Peter means well and people always forgive him for his little failures .
16 During her pregnancy , Priss had read a great deal about past mistakes in child rearing ; according to the literature , they were the result not only of ignorance , but of sheer selfishness : a nurse or a mother who gave a crying child paregoric usually did it for her own peace of mind , not wanting to be bothered .
17 You can also ask them for their three FREE booklets on energy saving .
18 Progressives and reformers never captured the movies ; they merely influenced them in a particular direction , a direction that the producers would appear to be following closely whereas in fact they were really using it for their own ends .
19 Though he attempted a detailed rebuttal , chapter by chapter , Milton himself had to admit that ‘ Some men have by policy accomplished after death that revenge upon their enemies which in life they were not able ’ , and that ‘ they who before hated him for his high government , nay fought against him with displayed banners in the field , now applaud him for the wisest and most religious prince that lived ’ .
20 Conversely , eating the person 's body might indicate the ultimate contempt , in that you were degrading them completely : as you ate parts of the body you were mocking the person 's erstwhile vigour and simultaneously stealing it for your own use .
21 I thought I was disgusted by the men who liked to stab women in the breasts , etc. ’ with no thought for them as persons , but just out to use them for their own satisfaction .
22 Addictive use of any substance or behaviour is seen when the individual uses it in appropriately and compulsively to suppress uncomfortable emotions Or to gain a sense of elation in order to change a disordered mood rather than simply using it for its own sake .
23 Someone ought to talk to Lily Bates , yes , that was what he had said and meant , but it might not have been him if he had n't seen her for himself that afternoon between five and six , the period between Hook Road School closing and Rose leaving her office at Belmodes ; the time Steve would have made his own .
24 ‘ We thought they were most unusual and attractive and could n't resist them for our own house , ’ says Sue .
25 Do n't leave it for you all the time .
26 I wanted Keith and we could n't get him for anything less . ’
27 Thank you , we believe we are , but please join us for our future strength lies firmly in our membership .
28 Gosse 's friends invariably forgave him for his wayward humour .
29 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
30 He also commissions M. Bijou de Millecolonnes , who despises the ancients , and whose ‘ lightness , gaiety , and originality ’ are the antipodes of the ‘ solidity , solemnity and correctness ’ of Sir Carte Blanche , to build in a ‘ wild sequestered spot ’ in Regent 's Park a pavilion reminiscent of Nash 's at Brighton , which gives rise to a rumour ‘ that the Zoological Society intended to keep a Bengal tiger au naturel , and that they were contriving a residence which would amply compensate him for his native jungle ’ .
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