Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] out into the " in BNC.

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1 Richard 's achievement of the throne necessarily brings him out into the open , where fraud and concealment are of no use and force alone can preserve him .
2 The current had already sucked us out into the centre of the river , and we were gathering speed downstream .
3 ‘ I would just take them out into the park behind the studios , no matter what the weather .
4 With a sound that seemed full of pain and anger and disgust , he picked up the poker and quickly raked them out into the hearth .
5 Rescuers have tried unsuccessfully to drive them out into the open sea using a line of boats with their engines running .
6 Yes I have spoken to Mrs who is the er er the woman involved and what she has said is this , the We ca n't directly we ca n't directly get hold of it , they wo n't send it out into the community .
7 But through , through erm the period , particularly after campaigns in nineteen forty one , forty two , you , you , you 've got a l a lot of people coming into the Party , then they 've all been instilled with the spirit , you can then send them out into the villages .
8 and then feeding them out into the already perilous economy .
9 So technology has advanced considerably , and what we 've done is to capitalise on the younger engineers and we 've introduced another phase called neighbourhood engineers and this is where we rely on the er goodwill of the firms to actually sa let their seconder engineers sometimes , but certainly let them out into the er into the schools careers convention work places to talk to the actual youngster itself .
10 So Carol is now using the cucumber cleansing milk and she if just show the ladies what you 're doing Carol , she 's just actually tipping it out into the palm of her hand , there 's no water necessary , okay ?
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