Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The similarities between such a scheme of reclamation and discipline and those widely mooted proposals of the 1980s to reclaim the youth through compulsory job-training or ‘ community service ’ should not pass unnoticed .
2 This approach effectively placed services for the black communities on the margin of mainstream service delivery and turned collective issues concerned with race into individual case work ( Ben-Tovim et al .
3 They also effectively isolate Pakistanis from the wider British community or , as Anwar puts it , the immigrant community is encapsulated .
4 Burbling innocuously around the moorings , buoys , isolated pilings and crazily speeding windsurfers with the occasional whiff of avgas mixed with salt spray and hot oil , we towered over all the other waterway users — except the super-tankers bound for foul Fawley .
5 One of the real problems was that there were too many badly built , badly designed buildings in the wrong location which the tenants do n't want . ’
6 The basic principle of these vast Swedish furnishing stores is to provide self-assembly furniture in self-service flat packs , thereby keeping prices to the absolute minimum .
7 In NLP it is important not only to implement solutions to the individual problems that arise ( parsing , semantic interpretation , reasoning , etc. ) but also to co-ordinate the application of those solutions .
8 If this is so , identically placed lesions at the two sides will not necessarily have equivalent effects , even though each intact hemisphere may be equally as capable as its fellow of subserving a given function .
9 The variety of sound produced by different species is enormous and amazing to anyone who has only heard frogs of the temperate regions .
10 His district stuck to the tradition of only accepting chaplains from the three main Protestant churches .
11 However this by definition means only accepting candidates exactly the same length , which we have already established is most likely not going to be possible , so allowing candidates with the same reduced zonal coding is more realistic ( eg. for code ‘ muuu ’ all candidates will , rill , roll , wool , awl , oval and oral would be kept ) .
12 This plan is useful only for people whose incomes have risen fast enough to meet payments on the new loan and the debt on their old mortgage .
13 UEFA 's appeals committee have a reputation for not only upholding decisions of the disciplinary committee , but in some cases increasing the punishment .
14 If you have n't got this disk , maybe your manufacturer only ships Windows on the hard disk , like Ambra and Victor then Microsoft will send you a disk containing a file called STAR.EXE .
15 You can make a selection of names to be included in the list so the computer will only display combinations of the selected names .
16 Apparently there have been at least internal discussions of someday perhaps blending parts of the opposing OSF-USL technologies but it is currently ‘ not part of any strategy on paper or on any timeline . ’
17 All these setbacks did n't matter , old chap , because the referee only has eyes for the big boys .
18 The usual reduction to triangular form is by a pivotal condensation similar to that described in 2.2.1 , except that we only remove elements below the diagonal .
19 The skirt was lovely , there was no doubt of that , swishing down rustling folds to the deep ruffle at the hem , but she was doubtful about managing the small train , even after an hour of practice in front of Aunt Emily .
20 Media outlets , they say , only seek comments from the Catholic Primate Dr Cahal Daly and Church of Ireland Primate Dr Robin Eames on important political and social matters .
21 Balchin 's study of this policy in West London in the 1970s draws attention to the fact that though improvement grants raised the housing standard of low socio-economic neighbourhoods generally speaking , they did not only benefit residents of the lower socio-economic groups .
22 Cos they only booked seats for the immediate family .
23 To this end , Hoffman-La Roche , who annually reaped profits during the late 1960s of about $40 million , was prepared to exert effective pressure on the legislature .
24 Within the Commonwealth , Mrs Thatcher 's hostility towards trade sanctions on South Africa had long weakened ties with the African and Asian states so fruitfully built up at the time of the settlement in Zimbabwe in 1979 .
25 Implicit in Pecham 's letter of 1281 which outlined his hierocratic principles was the paternalist view that the church 's task was to affirm and support the king to meet his divinely imposed responsibilities to the Christian commonweal , the realm .
26 Although the underlying need for a law of contempt in this area seems to be clear , I have long had doubts about the procedural aspects .
27 Furthermore , in combination with new techniques , for example , high resolution ultrasound systems , it permits the measurement of stress-strain relations of the rectal wall and so obtain values of the rectal wall thickness during distensions .
28 Of course , the effect produced by unbroken lines of gentlemen in evening suits , so outnumbering representatives of the fairer sex , was a rather severe one ; but then again , in those days , the two large chandeliers that hang over the table still ran on gas — resulting in a subtle , quite soft light pervading the room — and did not produce the dazzling brightness they have done ever since their electrification .
29 The first part of this article ( ‘ MI ’ No.33 ) recounted the popular version of Napoleon 's escape from his carriage under the very lances of the pursuing Prussians on the evening of Waterloo ; examined the highly suspect claims of the opportunist Maj von Keller , who gained riches and fame by the disposal of not one but two carriages , each with the same highly coloured provenance ; and described and illustrated the landau in detail .
30 Intended to reach the parts of the population museums do not easily reach , this show in fact attracted a derisory 9000 or so paying visitors in the two months that it was open from 16 November last , despite more coverage on TV than most exhibitions .
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