Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was one of 4 youths who attacked jogger , Paul Lanighan because he accidently bumped into them in the street .
2 Most fish would not be seriously affected by temperatures somewhat outside this range especially if only exposed to them for a short time .
3 There is a general expectation that people will not remember detailed facts correctly if they are only exposed to them in the spoken mode , especially if they are required to remember them over an extended period of time .
4 To talk about God to starving men is simply a waste of time for to them God is bread ; he can only appear to them as the bread of life .
5 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
6 As Mr Imai 's analysis makes clear , the term keiretsu is used to refer to so many different kinds of industrial groups in Japan that generalising about all of them , and especially complaining about them as a group , makes little sense .
7 Getting the weans in to sleep with them in the Kingsize and of course will they move back to their bunkbeds once He 's back ?
8 Therese suddenly appeared above them on the stage .
9 Information is only appended to them in the form of agreement comments during their various states .
10 Johnson found little support among them for the reformist policies of the government of the day .
11 The ones , most people ca n't do anything with those , they 're just paralysed by them in the States , and then we have project management forms .
12 Tim , 37 , is already treated by them as a favourite uncle .
13 Once territories have been established by young fans , occupants are physically confined within them for the entire duration of the match .
14 That makes me a bit peeved , you know : we can serve them , but not mingle with them on the other side .
15 He has also insisted that we will not keep troops on the ground when the war is over , and that a solution must be found by the local governments and not imposed on them by the US and/or Britain .
16 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
17 Those who were waking said afterwards that it did not move towards them across the sky from any direction , but burst suddenly , directly above them , in a great whirlwind and a peal of thunder .
18 You 'll not hear from them about the confusion methods used to present figures on profits or unemployment .
19 People thus switch between them as the balance of advantage changes .
20 Just ask for them at a maternity clinic or child health clinic and show your Income Support payment book or , if you 're paid by girocheque , the letter that came with the girocheque .
21 He must not sneak over them in a halfhearted way nor must he be allowed to flatten over them .
22 Yurchenko contacted the American Embassy in Rome in August 1985 , having already worked for them as an agent in place .
23 According to Cara , who had accommodation already reserved for them in a hotel in Mariánské Láznë , they should reach their destination by about mid-afternoon .
24 Some I 've hardly known at all , just stood beside them at an exhibition , in the Tube , wherever .
25 Do you ever think about a disasters as erm an individual level or do you just deal with them at a large-scale , national group level ?
26 ‘ The money we lifted was hardly intended for them in the first place , was it ? ’
27 ‘ Gloves , cane and collar astonish these artists in shirt-sleeves — they have always looked on them as the insignia of feeble-mindedness … still , it 's great to be in the thick of the dog-fights of great art . ’
28 It is essential in a well-run company that in addition to the feeling of plenty of headroom and space to create and carry out one 's job , there should be absolute confidence that those above will support one and that one can always look to them as a resource or as a help .
29 Indigenous groups gained three seats in the Senate — two specially allotted to them under the new constitution and one elected .
30 ‘ Heavens , ’ exclaimed Sara , still standing by them with the trolley , ‘ I did n't realise it was so late !
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