Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] number " in BNC.

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1 For the rest of the decade the working classes were only depicted in a small number of undistinguished films which celebrated or exploited the skills of particular groups of workers .
2 ( This exchange system enabled some universities to establish very large collections of theses , but it was very costly , since it depended on the production of multiple copies of theses , and the practise was only operating in a small number of American universities by the start of Worl War II .
3 There was already enough cover for a large number of sepoys to approach very close to the enclave without being detected .
4 Shakespeare evidently shared Donne 's dissatisfaction with the extant convention , agreed with him that unfulfilled love was a trope that could only lead to a limited number of stereotyped situations .
5 On the morning of my visit the courts were only dealing with a limited number of very minor matters , mostly drink related .
6 Active volcanism at any one time is normally confined to a limited number of centres within a particular cluster .
7 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
8 This is because this form of exercise provides excellent aerobic training and is also easily supervised with a large number of people in a relatively small area .
9 Is he aware that the owners of those homes are already burdened by a large number of regulations and that any new regulations from Brussels should be resisted by him and his colleagues , particularly regulations on part-time workers and the implementation of a minimum wage ?
10 There are cases in which prosecutions failed because the nuisance did not interfere with a sufficient number of the public .
11 The enormous success of the Matisse show currently at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , has coincided if not resulted in a large number of works appearing this season .
12 US dollar CDs are broadly traded by a large number of institutions .
13 In the UK , W.H. Smiths , once consisting of a modest number of bookselling outlets , is now one of Europe 's largest retail chains , aggressively selling a wide range of non-print products , including satellite television services , computer software , audio CDs and other technology-related items .
14 In the present generations of younger women , very few never marry so this particular source of family care has almost dried up , although there is evidence that never-married women still account for a disproportionate number of unpaid carers ( Finch and Groves , 1980 ; Lewis and Meredith , 1988 ) .
15 Sharing a home with relatives ( other than parents ) before marriage is another phenomenon which was more common in the past than in the present ( Anderson , 1971 ; 1980 ) Very little is known about circumstances under which young people now may go to live with a non-parental relative , although Gill Jones ( 1987 ) has shown that it still happens for a substantial number , especially those designated as working class on occupational criteria .
16 The best reply we can give is : There is a test ( see exercise 1.11.11 ) due to Kronecker which will always tell in a finite number of steps ( which may easily be large enough to require a computer ) whether or not a given element of Q[x] is irreducible .
17 Although a list of words describing horses would be shorter ( we could leave out words like idealistic or religious ) , we are still left with a vast number .
18 Wales consists of 8 administrative Counties further divided into a larger number of Districts ( which between these two tiers are mainly responsible for local government ) and a much larger number of Communities ( or Parishes ) .
19 It is beyond dispute that they also account for a large number of tiny rabbits that are born in breeding chambers within burrow systems .
20 It also concentrates on a small number of councils as detailed case studies .
21 However , in the past few years , there has been a trend for the BEd degree courses to be regarded as the main vehicle for training primary school teachers , with would-be secondary school teachers undertaking the one-year Post-Graduate Certificate in Education course , which is also offered in a substantial number of public sector colleges .
22 The postponement — announced at the beginning of the year and rationalized on the grounds that , with legislative and presidential elections due to be held in 1992 , a third set of elections would have involved undue expense — was also condemned by a growing number of student protesters and threatened to become a key issue in the campaign leading up to the presidential elections in December .
23 As well as the children of local residents Scorton also caters for a large number of seasonal visitors .
24 There are problems with extrapolating from this type of study design ( NMBJ , Society for Social Medicine meeting , Nottingham , 1992 ) , but , on the assumption that a higher level of responsibility is positively associated with a larger number of patients , our estimate of total activity undertaken by nurse practitioners is best interpreted as an upper limit .
25 Inner London is dominated by teaching hospitals and medical schools and has traditionally taken in a significant number of patients from outside its area .
26 Continuously varying traits differ from Mendel 's peas in that their variation is probably controlled by a large number of genes , and by environmental differences too .
27 The same work was also required in a large number of the early Mark 2 locomotive-hauled carriages , and in many long-life electric multiple units .
28 Pollution control problems arise from the number and variety of industrial and manufacturing processes employed in industries set in an entirely urban environment , since domestic sources , with few exceptions , are efficiently treated in a small number of large sewage works .
29 Similar changes are simultaneously occurring in a large number of advanced societies ( Challis , 1992b ; Kraan et al. , 1991 ) , albeit in slightly different ways for different client groups , Of course this simple conception of change requires further elaboration .
30 We are now blessed with a growing number of Christian counselling and pastoral care services in England , such as Ellel Grange , near Lancaster .
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