Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the first [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Walpole , who has been traditionally and perhaps wrongly regarded as the first British Prime Minister , always took pains to deny that he occupied such a position .
2 Economics ( and the fear of being bored witless for the third time in 10 days ) demanded that I , and my son , only got to the first two matches and watched from the Kop .
3 Her sexuality was supposed to be greatly intensified during the first three days and on the fourth day she was supposed to be the most fertile for conception .
4 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
5 Then there is the maddening fact that , of the five great investigative Ws ( who ? what ? where ? when ? and why ? ) , we can still only account for the first four in the matter of the Watergate break-in .
6 When we had all assembled for the first plenary session to approve the agenda , I was all ready with my dissenting speech when it was announced by the Secretary General that the additional items would be included in the agenda if the other matters already there were completed in time to consider additional ones .
7 Those ‘ events ’ of primitive evolution which did not qualify as ‘ good ’ should not be termed ‘ bad ’ , but simply ‘ not good ’ , because ‘ bad ’ implies the existence of ‘ evil ’ , and this did not exist during the first two of the three periods into which this book assumes universal existence to be divided .
8 That part of the Standard and Poor 500 market index not explained by the first 4 factors .
9 Adjuvant therapy was not given to the first 44 successfully treated patients .
10 So just skim through the first ten lines then eleven to the end really concentrate on .
11 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
12 OUR flower gardens are full of blossom at the moment , carried on plants that will not survive beyond the first few frosts of autumn .
13 Grade III buildings were those which , whilst not qualifying for the first statutory list when compiled in 1949–69 , were considered nevertheless to be of some importance for planning purposes .
14 This means the voter marks his second preference on the ballot paper ; and , if his first choice candidate does not finish in the first two , his vote is transferred to one of those who is still in with a chance .
15 ( Lewis , 1973 , p. 33 ; Stalnaker , 1975 , p. 173 ) It is said that this proves the failure of transitivity — the three statements are Unexceptionable and the third does not follow from the first two .
16 Richard Morton is generally credited with the first medical description in 1689 and he poignantly captured the key clinical feature : ‘ I do not remember that I did ever in all my practice see one , that was conversant with the living so much wasted with the greatest degree of a consumption ( like a skeleton only clad with skin ) ’ .
17 Davis , who won the world title for the sixth time in May , decided not to compete in the first two ranking events in Hong Hong and Bangkok .
18 Was it already streaked with the first faint grey fingers of dawn ?
19 Joe is , of course , best remembered as the first professional to overcome what had grown into a hoodoo .
20 His request was not complied with , and the Hearing was not convened on the first lawful day after the children 's removal .
21 Now , looking out over the heartland to the eastern sky already flushed with the first faint gold of dawn , he said aloud : ‘ I let my father die deliberately .
22 From the responses just deduced for the first three Chebyshev orders it may be appreciated that , for all orders , the transfer function ripples between unity and in the pass band .
23 Corresponding in their insignificance to the islets of the sea , two small clumps of trees , one on each side of the only fault in the impeccable joint , marked the mouth of the river Meinam we had just left on the first preparatory stage of our homeward journey ; and , far back on the inland level , a larger and loftier mass , the grove surrounding the great Paknam pagoda , was the only thing on which the eye could rest from the vain task of exploring the monotonous sweep of the horizon ( 4 ) .
24 This small but experienced professional force , the BEF , was , however , largely destroyed in the first four months of the war .
25 At supervisory/management level , the industry still lacks trained personnel ; it is important that the hotel and catering courses attract their fair share of the extra young people who will be gaining qualifications , that the programmes of study meet industry needs and that once these qualified people come into the industry they stay and are not lost in the first two or three years .
26 We have 1000 bottles of Selsun Soft Conditioner to give away free to the first 1000 readers whose names and addresses are drawn from the postbag after October 31 1989 .
27 Changes in intensity thus relate to the first spatial derivative of the refractive index .
28 SOUTH AFRICA were easily beaten in the first one-day international against West Indies at Sabina Park in Kingston , Jamaica , yesterday .
29 Preliminary studies showed that , with this method of delivery , the radiolabel did not disperse beyond the first 5 cm of the ileal segment .
30 Infusion of the liquid bolus at a slow rate ensured that the isotope did not disperse beyond the first ileal segment ; the present results confirmed the effect of a cholinergic agonist and antagonist on transit in the ICJ and colon , suggesting that the model is valid .
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