Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 Liartes brought his mount in to land on the turf a few yards away and dismounted casually .
2 Her eyes only focused on the sergeant a couple of seconds after he posed the question .
3 When painting Cornish scenes Minton had been aware of the precedent set by Christopher Wood and The Times rightly saw in The Harbour an attempt to translate a Christopher Wood theme ‘ into the tragic idiom of modern painters ’ .
4 To Zvi , Wine was an upstart — an interloper who had suddenly appeared in the community a year ago ( real name , Zvi had been told , was Benny Wineberg from Brighton ) , set up as a dentist , and by charging ludicrously low fees had been taking clients from Zvi .
5 But both Pound and Lewis were American or Americanized enough to have on the contrary a professional attitude to their respective arts , in the quite precise sense that they saw the continuity of art traditions ensured by the atelier , the master instructing his prentices .
6 The homosexual ‘ knows intimately in himself the generality that he finds in the other ’ : ‘ in the homosexual act I remain locked within my body , narcissistically contemplating in the other an excitement that is the mirror of my own ’ ( pp. 307 , 310 ) .
7 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
8 ‘ St George for England , St Pancras for Scotland ’ went the joke , unconsciously bestowing on the station a symbolic national status — something Sir Thomas Beecham also did when he declared Elgar 's First Symphony ‘ the St Pancras among the symphonies ’ .
9 It showed again on a second test-firing on 25 January and was finally traced to the manifold a few days later .
10 I remember the days of the old motorbike test , when you just rode around the block a few times while the examiner walked to various points and watched you .
11 Midst a lot of no-balls , which helped no end , they picked their way though the furious gunfire , finding the odd boundary , encouraging each other , and finally seeing off the follow-on a ball before tea .
12 Certain critics like Hourcade and Allard , who did not realize the importance of what Picasso and Braque were doing , continued to take a broad view of Cubism as simply a return to a more sober , classical form of art , and thus to include within the movement a large number of artists who were not strictly speaking Cubist but had been slightly influenced by the style .
13 ( c ) Duties following cancellation Where notice has been given , in the case of hire purchase or conditional sale transactions , s72 generally places upon the debtor a legal duty to redeliver the goods subject to a lien for any part exchange goods tendered by him ( s73(5) ) .
14 Why does the researcher not include in the questionnaire a question about the person 's favourite brand of cigarette ?
15 When the Titanic was finally located on the sea-bed a crew went down in a tiny submarine to explore the wreckage .
16 When the unpleasant severed object finally arrived at the hospital a nurse said brightly , normally one would , fingers crossed !
17 This does not normally involve dismantling the disk drive , you just insert in the drive a special disk to which has been added a small amount of a cleaning fluid .
18 the occupier of premises does not owe any such duty to a trespasser : he does not owe to the trespasser a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the trespasser will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the purposes for which he is trespassing .
19 The opposition between capitalism and socialism has thus remained throughout the century a dominant feature of political life , whatever the modifications that have been introduced into the opposing doctrines and policies in response to changes in the economy and society ; which were themselves , in part , an outcome of this conflict .
20 For him language circumscribes and limits truth which is best represented by the way a man lives .
21 Since Pegasus was head of the Proculian school after Nerva , but Valens was later than both , we can not extract from the evidence a pattern based on chronology ; nor , since we find members of the same school on opposite sides , does it seem to be a matter of school dogma .
22 Glancing round , I saw I had just passed on the roadside a farm cottage — from which a young woman in an apron , her attention no doubt aroused by the horn , had come running .
23 Not only do we not get from the Enlightenment an understanding of human nature that is under the curse of the fall , neither do we get a true understanding of men and women made in the image of God .
24 Certainly , it is sometimes said that a claim for conspiracy gives the plaintiff procedural advantages , but the reality of this may turn on how far it is to be held on ordinary principles that instigation or procurement suffices to make a person who does not participate in the act a joint tortfeasor .
25 minus a million , we 'll forget about the ten , just think of the minus a million .
26 The end of the striptease is then no longer to drag into the light a hidden depth , but to signify , through the shedding of an incongruous and artificial clothing , nakedness as a natural vesture of woman , which amounts in the end to regaining a perfectly chaste state of the flesh .
27 At their first meetings in Bristol during the autumn of 1795 each had at once recognized in the other a man of extraordinary abilities .
28 ‘ This part of the country ’ , wrote Eliza , ‘ resembles for miles a succession of parks thickly dotted with tall slender trees of the Eucalypti kind and the ground covered with luxuriant verdure where during the past season not a blade of grass was to be seen the bones of many bullocks which died on their way from the upper Hunter to Maitland rill still remain by the roadside a momento [ sic ] of the excessive drought . ’
29 Rekdal usually come to the wardrobe an hour before the other players at Lierse .
30 He gradually induced in the group a feeling of hopelessness , which must have resembled what both Mr E and Dave were feeling in the classroom .
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