Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 She felt humiliated — and because she 'd been so attracted to you during that first meeting , it was hard for her to realise the attraction must have been all on her side .
2 I think his pleasure was merely to talk about it in that calm way to a completely ignorant young girl .
3 I think w w what I 'd urge the panel to consider is is perhaps looking at it from that perspective , to encourage the County Council to review the phasing provision of policy H one erm in terms of er how the the committed land is going to be released for development .
4 It probably sums up the case and we can discuss it and perhaps add to it at that time .
5 Yeah but Arthur she only takes after you for that .
6 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
7 David remained close for a brief moment , perhaps hoping that she would retract her words , but Beth only looked at him in that certain proud manner which told him she would not change her mind .
8 I entirely agree with her in that respect .
9 ‘ Well , perhaps you 'd better talk to them about that . ’
10 She even had reservations about his admitted feelings about her — at least if he went on looking at her like that .
11 The moment she thought of Peter , then Martin ( no , she would not think of him in that ridiculous way with a small m ) no longer looked so good , so handsome .
12 ‘ You must not think of it like that , dear , ’ Stevie told her gently .
13 because you know the kind of material we 're recording bad language is n't gon na get an appropriate representation , and he 's not to worry about it on that
14 His father said not to talk to him like that , so Tom walked out and went to live with his grandmother in Rickmansworth .
15 ‘ I wish you would not speak to me like that .
16 ‘ You do not speak to me like that .
17 But she could not believe in him as that kind of reverent fan , whatever his enthusiasm for his subject .
18 So do not look at me in that accusing way , little sister ! ’
19 Well I hope they do because you end up with the wrong bloody solution if you just go at it like that .
20 Erm erm they just went through it like that and then he gave her instructions on how to fly it as well , how to throw it
21 I hope you 're not talking to me like that .
22 Madame does not confide in me to that extent . ’
23 This last the verderers thought the least likely course because the escape had been made nearer to the north of the depression than the south and it would therefore take a day longer to get round it on that side .
24 ‘ Unless Flixe needs me , ’ he said , looking at his wife with a mixture of protectiveness and adoration that made Julia think back to her own honeymoon and wonder whether Anthony had ever looked at her like that .
25 No man had ever looked at her like that in her life , and his eyes left her in no uncertain terms as to what he was thinking .
26 Nobody has ever looked at me like that .
27 Do n't you ever speak to me like that again , I have n't , I rang , no , no , I the landlord either , I waited until the next morning .
28 do n't you ever speak to me like that again , and do n't ever push me again , I said balls you old cunt .
29 ‘ Yes , ’ he said slowly , still looking at her in that peculiar way , ‘ you really are rather a remarkable person . ’
30 ‘ If you ever speak to me like that again , I 'll flay the skin off your arse .
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