Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] whether the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once we have separated the question of obligation from that of responsibility , we naturally begin to wonder whether the debate about the scope of contractual obligations has been confused by an inappropriate amalgamation of the issues .
2 The jurors only had to consider whether the woman had consented or not to the intercourse taking place .
3 It follows that , if the Japanese do incorporate imputed interest charges , they are obviously trying to assess whether the cash inflows are sufficient to meet all claims upon them , including the yields required by shareholders .
4 They may think the experimenter wants to know himself and not realise that he just wants to know whether the child knows the answer .
5 They had not looked to see whether the police had come into the main road in time to see .
6 It does not appear to matter whether the learners are particularly interested in this input , or what they actually do with it , or whether they are actively engaged in achieving purposeful outcomes .
7 I would contend that it is a major strength of the British legislation that the MMC did not have to decide whether the firms had ‘ really colluded ’ .
8 What we 're actually doing in terms of the product is we 're actually widening the franchise erm I do n't like to use words going up market that suggests that we 're leaving our core customers behind , we will we will add any product that is complimentary to our core kitchens but er we 'll still be the main stance of the product in these two stores for instance , we 're going to introduce a house wear department it is something that we 've been experimenting with before we 're going to erm use the opportunity to widen the franchise on appliances we 're going to erm use the an experiment on erm floorings to match work tops , those kind of developments just to test to see whether the customer reaction is as good as we hoped it would be so that we can then introduce it in the main chain
9 I can not venture to say whether the shake-up which we thought World War two might have given to Germany has done it .
10 I 'm not qualified to judge whether the grief his mother felt on the death of his elder brother had an adverse effect on Mr Barrie 's emotional development , nor do I care one way or the other .
11 He also wants to know whether the £40m saving was used to subsidise the tender for the helicopter carrier .
12 The shareholding structure of a private company target will therefore need to be carefully considered to ascertain whether the transaction comes within the exemption .
13 ‘ Even the Home Office is now beginning to question whether the Firearms Amendment Act , passed after the Hungerford incident , has helped secure public safety . ’
14 However , it seems that the court will not now have to judge whether the plaintiff has taken " reasonable precautions " .
15 She now wishes to investigate whether the level of stability changes in the six months after children are moved from local authority homes to foster parents .
16 Bosch has introduced an ‘ intelligent ’ 9.6 volt battery pack for cordless power tools : with this pack , you do n't need to guess whether the battery needs recharging .
17 Reginald Bray , who was associated with the settlement movement in Camberwell , even seemed to doubt whether the youths needed to sleep , describing in 1904 how they would stay out on the streets ‘ until it is dark , and often in summer until dawn begins to break … the street and not the house ought probably to be regarded as the home ’ .
18 With this kind of budget you do n't have to ask whether the Catering Branch are doing a good , professional job — if it was n't they would be having to organise domestic famine relief drops !
19 When the bills come in you pay them on the budget account cheque book and do n't have to worry whether the money is there or not .
20 It can be a bit daunting dealing with a single grain and this is one way of ensuring the patient does n't have to worry whether the poppy seed really did drop into the bottle and similarly the practitioner can be reasonably confident of eliminating this danger in assessing any lack of reaction .
21 The trainer then has to decide whether the horse is being rather stubborn and refuses to work because he does not want to or because there is something preventing him from relaxing and settling down .
22 If the plaintiff died , the court would then have to determine whether the defendant was liable for the death .
23 If they decided the question in the affirmative , they then had to decide whether the prejudice was sufficient to outweigh the ‘ parental factors ’ .
24 Where the demise includes the whole of a building ( or the top floor ) the draftsman may therefore wish to consider whether the airspace above the building should be excluded from the demise .
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