Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 a dilettante artist , a protégé of John Jarndyce 's who affects a childlike gaiety and simplicity but is really a shameless sponger ; his apparent innocence of worldly concerns is sedulously fostered to relieve him of any common responsibilities .
2 However , having been off last week , I have n't been able to do that , but I have made all the amendments and I was only going to talk us through those that needed everybody to know about them .
3 No one tells us how we are supposed to deal with death — our own or that of other people — and yet we are all going to face it at some time .
4 He swung the gun upwards on his mount and was obviously set to cut me in half with his next pass when the knifehilt appeared in his chest , lodged deep between two bandoliers .
5 They would then perhaps try to get him to another pub near the market — the jolly Farmer or the Golden Ball ( George Mutter of the jolly Farmer used to lodge three or four Irishmen regularly ) .
6 I took another deep breath — I only wanted to see him for half an hour — and said what I could .
7 One of the features of that day will be a series of mini- lecturers on just about every conceivable subject , and during the next few Ideas In Action programmes I shall be talking to some of the lecturers about their topics , hopefully whetting your appetites sufficiently to want to join us on that day to hear more .
8 Surely she does not want to deprive them of these amenities ?
9 ‘ I do not want to know you at all , Monsieur Lemarchand , ’ she stated firmly .
10 I had not intended to trouble you on this occasion .
11 It is not intended to place her in such a state of independence as might seduce her to devote her time to the idleness of Poetry …
12 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
13 My legacy to my children would be not to try to influence them in any way as to what they should study .
14 It is not recommended to exercise her in this condition , because of the unwelcomed attention she will receive , and the risk of her becoming pregnant .
15 The southern entrance to the Bay was protected by a fearsome group of rocks , Les Cardinals , to port and a treacherous shoal , Le Four , to starboard and , with the weather worsening , Admiral Conflans was confident Hawke would not dare to pursue him through this hazardous gap without the benefit of local pilots , but he had underrated both his adversary 's daring and his seamanship .
16 ‘ Colonel , I do not like to remind you of this , but I saved your son 's life .
17 Channel nine on the telly , mhm , there 's the right one that 's all in the right places do n't know We 're not going to see it after all
18 Without meaning there is only suffering , and I was not going to leave it at that .
19 I am very , very relieved and obviously taking advice on the next steps because naturally I am not going to leave it at this . ’
20 Not going to tackle him about this business of Dora 's golf-club , are you ? ’
21 Were they not going to destroy them after all ?
22 We 're not going to do it at all if the King loses interest too early . ’
23 ‘ I 'm not going to shoot you with this or anything else .
24 That was not going to help him at all , even if it made Humber happier .
25 I trust you 're not going to bore me after all . ’
26 ‘ Well , you 're not going to make it in that state and that 's for sure .
27 I know we 've had that debate at length in connection with the housing issue but I would just like to leave you with that point again .
28 We were just going to ask him about this proposed pay rise that 's all .
29 I was just going to tell them about all the things that were on my mind , about my dad and about Jesus and about aliens taking over the …
30 No not , not till the Manageress , I was just going to tell you about that .
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