Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [v-ing] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Kayley Desmond , 14 months , had suffered three respiratory attacks where she suddenly stopped breathing over a few hours , Nurse Maxine Motley told Nottingham Crown Court .
2 Equipped with a new wardrobe and address book , Luna can not resist taking on a whole new identity and she soon finds that bad behaviour can be fun !
3 Detection of ∼ 1 ng of CREB and ATF1 is easily achieved using only a short autoradiographic exposure and is therefore highly sensitive .
4 He could not help wondering why a rousing cheer had not gone up as soon as the garrison had spotted his red uniform .
5 If you have ever considered setting up a photographic studio then you will know that there is an awful lot to think about .
6 The Syndicat also envisages setting up a central register to record the date of founding , the name of the artist , the title of the work , its size and weight .
7 This route also means making up a suitable exhaust system and long radiator hoses and leaves a large gap between radiator and engine .
8 This simply involves marking out a small area , collecting and marking all the dogwhelks within it , releasing them again into the same area .
9 No wonder he claims his fans are all threatening to top themselves ; they 're so stupid that they do n't realise jumping off a five-foot-high stage wo n't kill them — IM
10 Radiotherapy was given as clinically indicated using either a 6 MV or 8 MV linear accelerator .
11 Neighbourhood care today means working out a constructive relationship between the state , locally and nationally , and neighbourhoodism , the politicised voice of local attachment .
12 I do n't deliberately put my face in the sun — but you ca n't help picking up a slight tan from reflected sunlight , particularly if , like me , you swim a lot .
13 Today even Sergeant Newitt ca n't deny feeling just a little bit pleased with himself .
14 Although the output reductions are a worry in themselves , they do at least suggest that the industry is not about to start laying down a large supply of surplus whisky that could upset prices in the future .
15 In October 1990 a network of Baptist Church planters was officially formed gathering around a hundred ministers and aiming to hold a first residential conference in 1991 .
16 It is believed the money allegedly went missing over a long period , dating back to last season 's Cup Final .
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