Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] [vb base] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Edward , who died in 1932 aged 64 , preached against the evils of drink in Darlington market place , and Thomas emigrated to Canada to continue the work , only to collapse and die in a pulpit at the end of a sermon .
2 Applications to participate in City Wise , the one-off consultation on urban mission training , have to be in by 30 April — so write or ring for a form now if you are interested in coming .
3 It 's not good us training designers who then just sit and work in a creative vacuum .
4 All all the boss used to say , Well if anybody comes round th that you do n't know just go and hide in a hamper .
5 ‘ If you just go and talk to a girl in a club in England , she 'll think you 're stupid .
6 These resources should be open ended and act as a facilitator to support the child 's efforts , similar to those described by Bell and Best ( 1986 ) , which are content free and can be applied in many contexts .
7 I still re-read and enjoy Beyond a Boundary , finding something new , often appreciating a passage that had passed my by earlier .
8 ( My intention was to leave both bowl and pyx with a little note of thanks on vacating the premises . )
10 Boil the potatoes until well done and mash with a little water to achieve a soft consistency .
11 A simple way of introducing still image work with this age group is to have them walk or run round the hall and then stop and freeze at a given signal .
12 Thinly slice and drop into a bowl of water and lemon juice to prevent discoloration .
13 national account manager who 's specifically looks after and then go and see on a regular basis but call on them but invariably the accounts that those account managers deal with at erm will be split all round the country and will be controlled by our local sales executives in those areas
14 ‘ I sometimes go and stay at a house where a girl was killed .
15 Bake for 20 minutes , then turn and bake for a further 10 minutes .
16 Casually stop and look in a shop window and see whether your suspect keeps walking or stops as well .
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