Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Medical supplies are going in from this country not only to help Moscow and St. Petersburg , but to go as far as Ekaterinburg , Tymen , Novokuznetsk , the Kiev oblast , the Donetsk oblast , and further afield .
2 The moment came , and in walked Robin and Henrietta Tavistock ; his expression was one of sheer amazement , and when he saw his father the Duke of Bedford , whom he thought was at his chalet in Méribel , I saw tears of emotion flood his eyes for a moment .
3 Yet every now and again a student emerges who shows exceptional talent and it is quite natural that a drama school will make sure that his/her ability is given a good stretch in public with a major role , perhaps playing Hamlet or Hedda Gabler .
4 It was , on one level , a very public romance — for not only did Barenboim and du Pre make fantastic music together , but also they were married in Jerusalem amid the elation surrounding Israel 's victory in the Six-Day War .
5 But Alix and Brian had found one another , and so had Otto and Caroline Werner : Esther was caught between lofty Edgar and little Pete Petrie , herself the smallest of all .
6 Bizarrely , the word processor only supports WordStar and ASCII formats .
7 I just got Saturday and Sunday nights off , and it would be chapel on a Sunday of course .
8 I 've just done Europe or South America .
9 Given those characteristics we should not expect BBC and ITV viewers to be influenced in different ways .
10 The triple alliance which I originally sought to conclude after the peace of Frankfurt and about which I had already sounded Vienna and St. Petersburg in September 1870 , was an alliance of the three Emperors with the further idea of bringing into it monarchical Italy .
11 Despite the extent of union influence and the predominantly co-operative patterns of industrial relations , collective bargaining has not brought BR and RENFE workers great financial rewards , even as a quid pro quo for job loss and changing working practices .
12 To date , there have been three boards : the short-lived Northern Pennines Rural Development Board ( 1969–71 ) , concerned mainly with agriculture ; the more recent Development Board for Rural Wales , established in 1976 ; and the longer established Highlands and Islands Development Board , initiated in 1965 .
13 The Gulf War , the re-alignment of Eastern Europe , the breakup of the USSR , the Middle East and not to mention Africa and South America given little support for anyone to disagree with SwissRe 's view .
14 SunSelect has already signed ComputerLand and Access Graphics to peddle its wares in the US .
15 My first band was called The Original Cosmic Egg and we just did Hawkwind and Sex Pistols covers .
16 He needs more than one victory to win confidence in a town that has never much loved him ; and he can not afford even one more tiny slip if he is not to convince Washington that Mr Perot 's cruel judgment of his talents was right .
17 The stoma care nurse has already assured Mr and Mrs Reynolds that she will visit them when he leaves hospital and that the ward staff will also arrange for the district nurse to give help should it be necessary .
18 By the time they played West Indies , they had already beaten Australia and West Indies had lost to Pakistan .
19 After meeting with Chinese leaders during his September visit , Carlucci reiterated the US view that improved Sino-Soviet relations would not threaten US or world security , a view reiterated by Li Peng .
20 The surgeon had already informed Mr and Mrs Reynolds of the possibility that an abdomino-perineal resection of rectum may be required .
21 Accordingly , the Commission considered that there was a great likelihood that customers , who had already acquired ATR or De Havilland commuters , would stay with them in placing future orders .
22 He had feared for the project 's viability , particularly after it became more widely known that the old lady was to be put through her paces only a matter of days later and just a few miles down the road on the steeply graded Bodmin & Wenford Railway .
23 Beyond the town , the old county boundary is crossed , Caithness being left for Sutherland , both of these ancient counties having now sadly lost their identities in the new-fangled administrative area known as the Highland Region — one hopes that Caithness will for ever remain Caithness and Sutherland Sutherland in the minds of Scotsmen : historical associations should not be trampled on by modern bureaucracy .
24 He is correct , Gedge still has Beano and Dandy annuals filed next to his records and many other souvenirs .
25 When Dorre , 30 , took off , the leading men gradually overtook Wallace and Renata Kokowska , of Poland , the eventual runner-up .
26 Already appearances by a whole host of top acts have been confirmed and it looks as if The Gasworks could well become one of the top clubs on the ever growing Ireland and UK comedy circuit .
27 A particular coup for the firm was the contract to supply the rapidly expanding Marks and Spencer chain .
28 A lawyer says he is prepared to go to court to force an enquiry into the water contamination still affecting Swindon and South Oxfordshire .
29 Perhaps the most remarkable entry in the Possessed notebooks is the one which directly opposes Stavrogin and Stepan Verkhovensky .
30 In Kirghizia on April 10 and Tadjikistan on April 12 the newly elected republican Supreme Soviets elected the first secretaries of their republican Communist Parties ( CP ) , respectively Absamat Masaliyev and Kakhar Makhkamov , to the post of Chairman ( i.e. President of the republic ) .
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