Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he heard anything he would not dream of doing anything about it but would go on gazing indifferently over the heads of his sheep .
2 He rarely veers away from the subject of relationships ( ‘ Go Out And Get 'Em Boy ! ’ ,
3 Our friend from the smoke , vigorously lashing away like a cab driver whipping a lazy horse , caught three .
4 Bakker also argued that the brontosaur footprints found in the 1930s in the Cretaceous Texas limestone showed left and right footprints close to the trackway centreline , hinting that they walked upright .
5 Now empty , decay and neglect are slowly eating away at the building 's fabric .
6 The control panel is discreetly tucked away on the front and is totally invisible when the spa is in use .
7 A small friendly old pub pleasantly furnished and discreetly tucked away behind The Scotsman office .
8 That little faith went on to go right round the world and it 's here today .
9 Market expectations are for little change upwards in the RPI from the latest figure of 7.3 per cent .
10 We eventually got away from the station and camped two hours later near a marsh , where we shot some duck for dinner , and two lily-trotters for our collection .
11 More and more armies were becoming reliable though still very cumbersome machines , mechanisms which could be relied on to perform competently on the battlefield the evolutions in which they had been trained , and to stand enemy fire without flinching .
12 And he cited two papers , co-authored by Derek Bryce-Smith , professor of organic chemistry at the University of Reading , as being the result of ‘ individual scientists who have got rather carried away in a flush of enthusiasm . ’
13 Left and Right differed only on the nature of this conflict .
14 An hour later , Tracy and Miss Ludlow helped him secretly slip away from the hospital to spend two days in a secluded Miami retreat soaking up the sun before returning to Newmarket .
15 But I do n't know that actually killing a man because he 's been touching up the boys would altogether hang together as a motive . ’
16 Having studied painting at St Martin 's School of Art , London , 1951–55 she went on to work variously as a consultant designer , art teacher , illustrator , Joint Board Examiner and raiser of her four children .
17 She has since toured extensively in the USA and parts of Europe , but has made very few appearances in these islands .
18 As you catch a wave and accelerate down its face you vigorously steer away from the wind .
19 At the other end of the scale , Plymouth Laira gained a small fleet of Class 37s which rarely ventured away from the West Country china clay empire , although a new trainload working was introduced in 1989 which would take them twice a week up to Irvine in South West Scotland .
20 I understand the definition of a bar is somewhere used principally for the consumption of alcoholic beverages .
21 In each case there can be no doubt that the advantages offered by the trust over the civil-law method were significant : performance in specie was a real possibility in each case ; that this was so depended entirely on the fact that trusts were subject to a different procedural order .
22 Seals have almost spherical lenses and can not flatten them enough to see far through the air .
23 He found it and obviously felt at ease enough to go ahead with the appointment , ’ said Mr King .
24 In Lakatos 's reply to Kuhn , all turns finally on a distinction between progressive and degenerating research programmes .
25 The edition of Boswell 's Tour now generally available only refers obliquely to a lack of warmth , and to Boswell 's own ‘ spleen ’ while staying there — all this notwithstanding that the beautiful ( and pregnant ) Lady Macdonald was a cousin of Boswell 's .
26 If this is the case the end of the U-wire is broad enough to sit comfortably in the palm of the hand .
27 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
28 But no one else could sustain Ambrose 's pressure , stomach cramps that forced Patterson to leave the field after seven overs was a further handicap and Wessels and Kirsten , the two most experience batsmen , dug in to remain together till the close , their stand then worth 95 .
29 Got some at home apparently tucked away in a piggy bank or something .
30 This pipe , called the discharge pipe , soil pipe or soil stack , runs vertically down to connect directly to the drains ; the top of it is open to the air at least 900mm above the top of any opening windows which are within 3m of the stack , unless a relief valve is fitted to the top of the stack ( see drawing ) .
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