Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The Mail was firm in its forecast : the other papers only looked forward with relish to her eventual arrival .
2 While the way in which sexual relations are conducted obviously varies considerably from individual to individual and from zone to zone , generally speaking , there is an attempt to maintain a fairly strict control in the military camps , although this does not apply for the civilian population , nor should it be regarded as an indication of future attitudes .
3 Nevertheless , such prints are not justly reduced even in description to mere compositional terms .
4 The first movement is a paraphrase of the overture , a dance which takes place in the dark and so stops abruptly from time to time when people lose each other .
5 Iceland , on the other hand , is located on a mid-oceanic ridge and consequently has not moved significantly with respect to its hot spot since the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean over 50 Ma BP .
6 While States may by treaty opt out of a rule of customary international law inter se , they can not do so with respect to a third party which is entitled to have its customary rights observed .
7 As just one example , agricultural goods are generally priced lower in relation to industrial products in developing countries than in industrial countries , and this may lead to an exaggeration of the apparent differences in per capita income .
8 In the first phase he confirmed that when meat powder ( an unconditioned stimulus ) was placed on the dog 's tongue a natural reflex occurred and the dog salivated ( an unconditioned response ) , but that it did not salivate solely in response to a buzzer sounded for 30 seconds , a neutral stimulus .
9 An important property of such a clock is its stability ; that is , its timing does not alter much from day to day .
10 The two ears may not react identically with respect to insertion and reinsertion of tubes .
11 The crunch comes for domestic producers because in the real world economic processes can not adjust smoothly in response to reverse movements in quantifiable variables such as price so that market share can not easily be regained .
12 Although there is almost complete freedom of trade , many traders choose not to do so in response to the prevailing wishes of their local communities .
13 I 'm not saying necessarily in response to that resolution , but at least in the direction that we were hoping .
14 In the same week in which President Bush appeared on national television brandishing $3,200 worth of cocaine ( coercively obtained from a dealer who was dragged a block or two nearer the White House ) to raise the air-time mileage he earns on drugs , it did not take long for outrage to be expressed .
15 The first group includes those countries , like India , that had not borrowed heavily in relation to their size .
16 There was still a job to do , and although it might not seem much in comparison to the past , it was all he had left .
17 It seems that if a work is to continue to grow rather than to ‘ consolidate ’ ( a word not found in my Bible ! ) the people need to be progressively taken forward from goal to goal .
18 The eye does not sweep smoothly from left to right when reading but instead makes a series of fixations with rapid movements ( saccades ) between fixations .
19 It had been discovered in the eighteenth century that light does not travel instantaneously from source to observer ; rather , it goes at a certain speed , about 186,000 miles ( 300,000 kilometers ) a second .
20 The two fundamental assumptions underlying the plate tectonics model are that the surface area of the Earth has not changed significantly with respect to the rate of generation of new oceanic crust , and that there is a lack of internal deformation within plates compared to the relative motion between them .
21 Among them were 14 men with cholecystectomy and 44 with gall stones ; these did not differ significantly with respect to any of the measurements made in this study .
22 Although the great ice sheets which covered much of North America and northern Europe in the recent past had largely disappeared by 10000 a BP , the landsurface in these regions is still rising rapidly in response to the removal of this load .
23 Fiesole has always seemed very like home to me too , ’ he added with apparent irrelevance .
24 Moreover to change quickly from column to line and vice versa was a complicated business , though methods of doing this were evolved , notably by Guibert , the greatest military theorist of the century .
25 Their inward warbling song , which can not be described , is unceasingly poured forth from noon to night , and is even continued throughout the night if they are placed in a room with lights , and where an animated conversation is carried on . ’
26 His work , image and public pronouncements still veer wildly from pacifism to violence , from obsessive love to profound hatred , from commendable sensitivity to unrestrained cruelty .
27 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
28 I also lived there from time to time many years ago .
29 ‘ However , they are also looking forward with excitement to returning to Nepal . ’
30 So it seems likely that just as a youngster does not need to learn to be afraid or to feel secure , they also respond instinctively from birth to the underlying mood of the call — like the predatory roar of a lion , the angry bellow of an enraged bull , the contented moo of a grazing cow or the eminently social bleatings of sheep , keeping the flock together .
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