Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
2 Taking responsibility for your joints and limbs — knowing that it can only enhance and better the quality of your life — is this easy !
3 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
4 Two days passed before the man was strong enough to talk and then the Captain asked him to tell his story .
5 These were furnished with fountains , seats , grass and trees and were so organized that nearly every quartier of Paris could give its inhabitants a place for relaxation .
6 Some aspects of our environment may be prized above economic development , while others may be less highly valued and reasonably the subject of trade-offs .
7 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
8 You can go into a shop and start purchasing this item not knowing your partner is there and the partner suddenly appears and then the confrontation starts bearing in mind you are not
9 The A N C and other organizations were unbanned there was free activity people can meet others across the colour line if they so wish but basically the apartheid structures are in place still .
10 It was acknowledged that some of the party 's previous policies had been potentially divisive , and the review was widely seen as both an attempt to attract new voters and as a means of attracting potential coalition partners from among the opposition parties .
11 The FDA 's audacious new tactics gained massive media coverage and are widely seen as only the beginning of a serious assault on products whose labelling is thought to violate federal law .
12 Most take the experience with typical British humour and carrying on searching until either the dream home is found or they are worn down by the practicalities of price and location .
13 The family member also progressively adapts so that the effects of the disease are largely the progressive effects of that adaptation — The disease always gets worse if it is not treated but nonetheless the family member develops ways in which he or she can somehow live with the disease .
14 In so far as these subordinated forms of racism are granted some relative autonomy , and are not treated as simply an echo of the dominant ideology , the argument usually reverts to the classical tenets of a ‘ necessary false consciousness ’ .
15 Only in the late nineteenth century did these contracts generally disappear and instead the land was sold or let and the old people lived off the cash proceeds .
16 The stem of this one was easily broken and often the head would fly off at the first stroke .
17 For example , given the heterogeneous nature of cereal production in the UK , a uniform response is not expected but rather a range of opinion amongst producers , largely dependent on the degree to which producers are committed to intensive cereal production .
18 They soon learned not to talk when just a look would do , and even when separated , each seemed to know instinctively when the other was in trouble .
19 Voluntary work was no longer seen as either a stepping stone to bigger and better things or as a part of a women ‘ s mission , but rather as the exclusive province of married women .
20 More and more parents every year are opting for independent schooling for their children : it is no longer seen as exclusively the preserve of a privileged class .
21 That they did not do and now the leader of the council said well they 're trying to get down to the standard spending assessment at last , he could have done that a long time ago , you have had nothing but excess expenditure proposals on behalf of this city for many , many years .
22 We have already seen that indirectly the question in utterance ( i ) must be understood as a request .
23 Lord Lyons , the British Ambassador in Paris , told the Foreign Office on two separate occasions that ‘ I do not believe that either the Emperor or his Ministers either wish for war or expect it . ’
24 I did not mind that often the work was well below what I felt certain I could do .
25 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
26 The waiting patients pricked their ears and tried not to smile and then the surgery door would burst open and eject … a little old lady , pink with pleasure !
27 In Brinkibon Ltd. v. Stahag Stahl ( 1982 H.L. ) the House of Lords confirmed the decision in Entores v. Miles Far East Company , that normally in the case of a telephone conversation or a telex communication the postal exception does not apply and therefore the acceptance takes effect when ( and where ) it is actually communicated to the offeror .
28 it follows that s.4 of the fatal accidents act 1976 does not apply and therefore the value of the fathers services should be taken into account when assessing the damages payable to the plaintiff .
29 But the expected tourist bonanza did not happen and now the finance company wants its money and the family have until Thursday to find backers .
30 It is not known whether all the material will be permanently exhibited , because South Cambridgeshire District is one of the few local authorities in Britain not to have a local museum .
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