Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 There was , I was gon na say there was a hell of a fight going on here the morning we come over yours between Christopher and Andrew , and I went in to sort out just in time to hear Christopher say well I 'm having all GrandPat 's money when he 's dead not you .
2 We 're still trave we 're still going further away as time goes on , but we 're not going as quickly .
3 Since real output could also change only slowly over time in response to changes in aggregate demand , it followed that the rate of monetary growth would in the long run be correlated with the rate of inflation .
4 Each special effect is just barely holding on to credibility , waiting for that cut which often comes only just in time ( and sometimes a fraction late ) .
5 It 's true I think er as Mr said at some length er that er this measure would not prevent hunting in in most of the area in which it it takes place , through plenty of it happens of course well to the West of the A six er perhaps it might even get out there from time to time but our duty clearly is to see er that the right thing is done in the territory which is our responsibility and our other responsibility is surely to set an example of decent humanity .
6 But they too settle down again in time .
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