Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When the shepherd eventually limped back to civilisation and told his unlikely tale , the authorities located the treasure and imprisoned the shepherd for theft .
2 ‘ I would rather stay here with father and you , ’ said Tess , looking out of the window .
3 The full-time farms surveyed were mostly given over to grass and were on the higher ground .
4 Millions upon millions of seeds , spores , and similar reproductive bodies are annually scattered abroad in order that species may settle in new stations ; yet millions upon millions perish because they are sown in places where physical conditions or nature of the soil check their development or where other species are stronger .
5 They observe , however , that it would on any view be a grave impediment to the freedom of the press if those who print , or a fortiori those who distribute , matter reflecting critically on the conduct of public authorities could only do so with impunity if they could first verify the accuracy of all statements of fact on which the criticism was based .
6 This applies not only while out on contract but also on returning to the home country .
7 Beforehand they were tense and quiet , and no doubt very frightened if the truth were known , but on their return , if we saw them at all , they would be relaxed and only looking forward to bacon and eggs in the Mess — and then bed .
8 And the Castle was not entirely made up of sadness and shadows .
9 It is not enough to talk generally about reverence and respect any longer .
10 He believed that he got up and felt his feet sink through the floor while the music from down below came up like vapour and was breathed rather than heard .
11 Georgie Fame , Billy Fury and Pet Clarke all dusted down from retirement and brought back to our screens ?
12 He reached in with both hands , only to shrink back in horror when he encountered something cold and clammy beneath his hand .
13 The only liberty I mean , is a liberty connected with order ; that not only exists along with order and virtue but , which can not exist at all without them .
14 She insists that even with the provisions of such a charter the idea ‘ can only work out in reality if both partners , in fact , share [ the childcare ] , because there is not much point in allowing women the opportunity of going further up the ladder if they continue to have almost sole responsibility for childcare . ’
15 ‘ I realised if I wanted to get back to where I had been , it was perhaps better going back to North and starting off there again . ’
16 Peloponnesian and Cretan sculptors work at first not in marble but in local limestones ; later sometimes in marble imported from the Cyclades , but the softer and more readily available stone is long used everywhere for building and for architectural sculpture .
17 By mid-March the operation was literally bogged down in mud and confusion , allowing the Republicans to mount a counter-offensive .
18 However , with the growth in emphasis on the importance of what is called " affective devotion " — that is , experienced , rather than intellectual , knowledge of the faith — meditation came to refer to an exercise not necessarily based directly on Scripture but designed to stir the will by an intense appeal to the emotions through meditations on the manhood of Christ .
19 As well as appealing to pyromaniacs , dictamnus apparently keeps well in water and has pretty , star-shaped seed pods .
20 Many pupils in schools are bilingual and sometimes biliterate , and quite literally know more about language than their teachers , at least in some respects .
21 This debate should do much to add a note of sanity to controversies that have been hitherto based more on rhetoric than argument .
22 I took long breaks away from training and would then reappear like the proverbial bad penny , as if I had never been away .
23 This is not to say that there are not many households where there is peace and contentment , when the old person is fortunate enough to keep well in mind and body even when she becomes frail , and where the daughter prefers to remain at home , and is able to make a satisfying life for herself .
24 The hospitaller suddenly stepped back in panic as the bear sprang into life , towering above him , its great paws clawing the air .
25 They have all gone off to work or to look for work , leaving behind the old , the disabled , the women and the children .
26 EG Vinnie throwing a scotch egg at him and Bobby Davison getting pissed and falling asleep in the restaureant only to wake up with flu and miss loads of games ( the papers said it was a recurrance of his knee injury ) !
27 The brothers were literally run out of town and back over the English border .
28 She was not fooled for an instant nor so cut off from news that she had not heard that war was in the air again .
29 Scheduled to appear in 38 Carry Ons but only appeared once by mistake when he walked through a shot by accident .
30 There are many other more elaborate braids and edgings which are great fun to knit if you keep your machine set up at this time of year , as it is a good time to play with new ideas and perhaps to knit enough to edge that beautiful Chanel-type jacket you are going to knit later , but the simple knitted binding or a simple rouleau takes a lot of beating and always loos fashionable , elegantly simple and stylish .
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