Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] more " in BNC.

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1 If the sectoral approach and spillover were to achieve any great potential , they could only do so on a more limited front — that is , by the six states which had already agreed to the supranational principle by forming the ECSC .
2 They bring plenty of energy to the quick outer movements and rightly relax somewhat in the more lyrical passages ( repeats are observed , too ) .
3 The slim angular shape was definitely well suited to a graphic style , but was the lay down of pigment soft enough to blend out in a more painterly manner ?
4 Necessarily strung out at no more than three abreast , the column threaded the mile or so cautiously , Ramsay for one , keen-eyed to note danger-spots and ambush possibilities for future reference .
5 Rarer species of snowdrops are being indiscriminately harvested along with the more common ones .
6 I am going to vote against the motion , I 'm disappointed with the liberal group not come in with a more constructive amendment or even a proposal , as I would say asked you to do .
7 Doctors agree that there are no risks in regular exercise , as long as you start gently and gradually build up to the more strenuous activities . ’
8 For rapid changes are taking place in the structure and content of teacher education and , with it , a massive increase in part-time school-based schemes for initial and further training together with a more extensive use of ‘ sandwich ’ type training especially for higher grades of teachers .
9 The contract was quickly sold down to a more sustainable 2600 level .
10 I think there are still some quite pronounced regional differences between the North and the South and between particularly Scotland and Northern Ireland and the rest of the country — would you see any further coming together of the more expensive properties and the cheaper properties ?
11 The citizens charter reform means that the Government are making a determined effort to move away from the era when the gentlemen in Whitehall always knew best towards a more open , accountable public service , striving to do better .
12 When the Miller has finished telling his tale , Chaucer characterizes its contents once more , this time describing it as a " " nyce cas " " , " a foolish state of affairs " ( 3855 ) : an apparently neutral moral description which nonetheless contrasts significantly with the more clearly marked " " harlotrye " " that has formerly been used to label the contents of the pair of fabliaux we are now halfway through .
13 Discussions of film and television genre habitually nod towards the broad stylistic categories fundamental to literary aesthetics since Aristotle — epic , lyric , drama , comedy , tragedy — and quickly move on to the more immediately recognizable categories under which industry products are branded and sold — horror , western , musical , soap opera , crime series .
14 If Celtic Christianity drew heavily on Egypt , it also drew heavily on the more explicitly heretical traditions of Syria , Asia Minor and Mesopotamia .
15 [ P. 392 ] Formen contains many of the elements of Marx 's evolutionary theory concerning pre-capitalist systems , and it also contains much about the more immediate origins of capitalism .
16 These occasions would clearly refer only to the more serious incidents where the Football Association felt it necessary to discipline clubs formally , and many more examples of hooliganism can be found in the newspapers of the period .
17 We will also look briefly at the more trivial , but widespread , crimes of employee theft — ‘ fiddling at work ’ — as an example of another aspect of work-related crime .
18 Young children probably work best to a more ‘ integrated model ’ ; older children may get something from some more sustained subject focus .
19 Ironically , SunSoft , whose now got Mac/Next designer Bud Tribble working for it ( UX No 388 ) will probably turn up with a more sensible Applesque front-end on Solaris .
20 The couple have now moved on to the more complicated use of silks , and subjects have varied from masterpieces such as The Old Mill and The Haywain to a girl skating on a lake and a Victorian winter scene .
21 But as I became more acquainted with this set and stopped rushing from impossible passage to impossible passage , hoping against hope that at some point he would lose his balance and tumble like a second-rate trapeze artist off his swing , I was unwittingly dragged in to a more sinister , melancholic side to his playing .
22 The sexual pendulum has now swung back to a more central position , and that 's good news !
23 After the very earliest period of relative non-differentiation of functions , in which the ‘ literary ’ or ‘ artistic ’ had not or not fully separated out from the more generally ‘ cultural ’ , there had been this phase of specifically instituted artists , which should not really be described in terms taken from later phases , such as ‘ official recognition ’ or ‘ patronage ’ .
24 Sir , in making reference to erm policies which erm have relevance to the question of the status of the two sites we 're concerned with , I will start with those which are part of the statutory plan , that is to say the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan approved by the Secretary of State , and then proceed downwards to the more recent documents which do not employ .
25 Anyone who seems suitable will receive an informal visit and then come down for a more formal interview . ’
26 ‘ But it has yet to filter through to the more expensive properties . ’
27 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
28 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
29 South Africa demonstrably adjusted better to the more disciplined requirements of the longer game after almost two months of the uninterrupted frenzy of the World Cup .
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