Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I suddenly saw her as the shuttlecock in the game her husband is playing with his inamorata .
2 ‘ Marxism ’ , on the other hand , Sartre claims , ‘ is History itself becoming conscious of itself ’ ( I , 40 ) : as for Lukács , it is by becoming conscious of itself as the subject of history that the working class will understand history 's meaning — and so recognize itself as the meaning of history .
3 In the case , however , of a mandatory life sentence for murder ( into which category all the present appeals fall ) the minister of state takes the judicial view into account but does not necessarily adopt it as the tariff .
4 Once reconciliation has happened , it is important not to see it as the end of the process .
5 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
6 Orthodox constitutional theory bestows on individual members the right of independent action and does not regard them as the representative of the party without which they would not have been elected ; over-solicitude for the wishes of their constituents would probably lead them into conflict with the party in parliament .
7 Althusser uses this case to support his claim that Marx held a complex view of social change , and did not regard it as the outcome of a single contradiction between the forces and the relations of production .
8 She hoped that if he was a churchgoer-which was unlikely these days he would not recognise her as the vicar 's wife .
9 And if King Fahd refuses to have them there , then he can no longer present himself as the guardian , on behalf of the Muslim world , of the holy places .
10 In principle , though I think it 's very difficult , as I understand it right now , you 've got to go through a rather unfriendly session of training the computer to respond to your voice , and if you say something in a slightly different way later on it may not recognize it as the word that you had previously trained it on .
11 That gave him the chance to exercise one of his talents , as a teacher , but he was also a bit of a musician , and soon established himself as the organist at the parish church in Holloway .
12 The Latin American ministers urged the EC countries not to forget them as the demand for aid from eastern Europe and the Soviet Union became more pressing .
13 She had been just past Luke when he had caught at her , and now his arms came round her from behind , drawing her back against him , and the response she dreaded was already weakening her as the warmth of him transmitted itself to her .
14 Someone would be made to die for the crime ; but for all his reservations , Merymose did not strike him as the kind of man who would fall on just anyone in order to present a solution .
15 She began to affect , in History lessons , an interest in the Soviet Union : such was the climate of opinion in this progressive boarding school in the north of England in the early 1950s , amongst the sons and daughters of tradesmen and doctors , industrialists and university lecturers , dentists and estate agents , lawyers and farmers , that her interest was regarded with awe and alarm or with frank disbelief , by those who did not dismiss it as the affectation which , in fact , at this stage it was .
16 While the double-blind trial is well suited to testing of conventional drugs it often can not be applied to complementary therapies , for instance , the acupuncturist must establish a close link with the patient during treatment , and the therapist must know which points he is needling and possibly modify them as the patient 's responses change .
17 It is distinct from the methods of the old New Criticism , which though believing that lyric poems were dramatic utterances , still read them as the utterance of a single voice .
18 Once baptised in the fiery power of the Spirit which had been in Jesus , the disciples at once interpret it as the fulfilment of Joel 's prophecy about the availability of the Spirit in the last days , and proclaim the good news to the representative crowd from ‘ every nation under heaven ’ which had gathered in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost ( 2:16ff ) .
19 The straightforward , one-shilling manual , with its handsome woodcut of a cornucopia-like trug on the cover , rapidly established itself as the Dig for Victory bible .
20 With a nervous swallow he bearded the formidable young lady at the desk at the head of the room : she had always struck him as the sort of librarian who would prefer to see all the desks in her domain empty and all the books permanently under lock and key .
21 As Gregory Elliott has recently emphasized , although Althusser always presented himself as the figure of the rigours of orthodoxy against the eclecticism of the existentialists , in his own work he was just as catholic , allying Marxism with non-Marxist philosophy , even if it was a history of science to which , he claimed , ‘ French philosophy owes its renaissance in the last thirty years ’ .
22 Even Franco , whose automatic reaction to labour unrest was usually to dismiss it as the work of communist agitators , was obliged by the arguments of the Minister of Labour to authorize a 23 per cent general wage increase .
23 They always see me as The Boss , and I do n't want to The Boss .
24 Of many friends , whom I love and esteem , my head & heart have ever chosen you as the Friend — as the one being , in whom is involved the full & whole meaning of that sacred Title — God love you , my dear Poole ! and your faithful & most affectionate S T Coleridge
25 However , Hope , by that time , clearly regarded himself as the embodiment of blacks ' ambitions .
26 ‘ Your partner probably recognised you as the innocent you are — and tried to take advantage of the fact .
27 They probably imagined me as the gentleman flasher in the park ! ’
28 Nothing is as it seems , he maintains : he never really saw himself as the prototype Cockney photographer from Blow Up ; he sees himself more as Puck from A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
29 He often struck me as the kind of wide boy one found in England right after the war , people who made deals of the spivvier sort and did n't care who went down as long as they went up .
30 Bath 's Ben Clarke has so far established himself as the pick of the British Lions touring squad in New Zealand
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