Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
2 They eventually found themselves in a huge square where a white marble fountain played in the centre .
3 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
4 THE story goes that many centuries ago some fishermen in the South China Sea were driven north by a typhoon , but were fortunate enough to find themselves in a splendid natural harbour protected by a large island .
5 Perhaps imagine yourself in a cosy armchair , gazing into a log fire , stroking the cat on your lap and sipping a glass of dandelion wine .
6 Was this a habit he had grown into over the years or had he always been like this , turning his wife into an invalid before there was any real need , a man who could only see himself in a solicitous relationship with other people ?
7 Although a managing director will usually be an employee the courts sensibly view him in a different light from that of a manual worker .
8 Are we trying to achieve , erm unity or bringing children in to do something in a corporate way .
9 Above all remember that you are selling yourself , so present yourself in a confident fashion but without boasting .
10 If that power was sufficient , the holy spirit , if that power was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead , you not think he 's able to exert that power in your life and in my life to make us live lives that are pleasing to God , of course it is so we do n't do it ourselves , just let me in closing mention one other thing , this relationship we have needs to be maintained , you know for any relationship to grow , one needs to spend time with the other person , I do n't give a lot of credence to the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder , it does with somebody else , it 's true , it does not make it grow fonder of that person the person is you know who you , you heard this story so often , like particularly like going back during the last war , folk who were separated sometimes for , for , not just for months but for several years , there they were in concentration camps perhaps , in prisoner of war camps , separated for years , they come back home they 've got to get to know each other all over again you see that a relationship on a human level as well as in our relationship with God is dependent on , on association , it 's dependent on companionship , it 's dependent on spending time with the other person and in our relationship with Christ this is achieved by , by prayer , by knowing and understanding God 's word , by having fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with other Christians is not just meeting them and passing the time of day with them , oh that 's fellowship but it 's far more than that is required , there 's the fellowship in worship , we worship together , of course I can worship God at home of course I can do it , so can you do it and we , we should do it , but there 's that re , there 's that need , that requirement as God 's people we come together to worship him in a corporate act , in the sacraments , in , as we mentioned in , in earlier on in taking the bread and the wine and remembering the lords death , there 's a sense in which I can do it by myself
11 God knows , I have little enough to give her in a worldly sense .
12 The verderers ' familiarity with the district from earlier years could only serve them in a general way , for the woodland paths varied from season to season .
13 Neutral tones give a feeling of space , so use them in a small room that needs opening up
14 Progressives and reformers never captured the movies ; they merely influenced them in a particular direction , a direction that the producers would appear to be following closely whereas in fact they were really using it for their own ends .
15 At the city 's Royal Hallamshire Hospital , consultant David Gawkrodger said her illness — toxic epidermal necrolysis — only strikes one in a million people .
16 Even if you only buy one in a whole year , we will still be happy to give you all the benefits of Vevay membership
17 Most dogs come from warm , dry , quiet houses and to suddenly find themselves in a noisy , cold , wet concrete kennels is unkind .
18 I 'm sure some of you last year or least last week or even last month , read about the black sack that had all the wonderful jewels in it that came into a charity shop and I think it 's a lesson for us all is n't it , not not to miss anything in a black sack , Jacqui .
19 You do n't take me up on anything — you just repeat it in a different order .
20 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
21 He could quite easily accomplish it in a public place of that sort because everyone 's attention is drawn away from the area where you were sitting .
22 Kim soon found herself in a tiny tenement flat .
23 Rural tenants — principally farm workers — meanwhile found themselves in a vicious circle of deprivation .
24 There is a moral here for some of the older spectator sports , wondering how best to sell themselves in a gimmicky TV age .
25 Otherwise I will just do it in a different colour , a different
26 One of Isaac Bashevis Singer 's characters in a short story tells the narrator-author : ‘ You once wrote that human nature is such that one can not do anything in a straight line .
27 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
28 ‘ Absolutely , ’ she said with feeling , dispelling a pang of guilt with the observation that she was certainly not presenting herself in a flattering light .
29 Okay now she 's off really quickly on a reach but she 's oversheeted , she 's got too much power there , she 's sheeting the sail in instead of easing it out until it flaps and then just pulling it in a little .
30 I ca n't somehow see him in a red riding coat being winched aboard a dappled stallion .
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