Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [adv] for the " in BNC.

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1 But we still went on enjoying ourselves immensely for the officers handed us chocolates and were very kind .
2 she obviously took them both for the same thing did n't she ?
3 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
4 Perhaps student life does not prepare anyone adequately for the daily slog of an ordinary job , and after two or three attempts to settle into a career in sales management and even in personnel , she had taken off for America .
5 Having all four styles comfortably within your repertoire thus equips you best for the total process of learning from experience .
6 Or do you think she just put it there for the argument ?
7 For all that , had she been right just to abandon him pitilessly for the first dashing knight to Pass her way ?
8 I think its possible to fall in love with the same person more than once , you fall in love with them and you get married for that as well as other reasons perhaps , and then you have children and you hardly see them really for the next ten years , at least this is what every one sort of understands and then and then erm and then when you have more time again you can fall in love all over again with exactly the same person , I think this happens to lots of people , which also does n't happen to a lot of people so you have n't
9 It was no fun , and the putrid bridie at the restaurant , thrown across the counter at me by a young waitress who clearly blamed me personally for the shortcomings in her life , was little consolation .
10 You are also preparing them well for the time when they will be outside your jurisdiction for ever .
11 Erm , just a point of information , I think er on the hundred and thirty-one million , including the Lincoln , and I think er they would have been you would have been under serious er distress on that , because the information I have had from the Department of Transport , is that if the Lincoln scheme had gone ahead , it would have effectively blocked everything else for the next five years , and that would n't have done you any good , from where you 're elected , either .
12 Besides even if they did n't win it again for the next two million years we 'd never hear the end of it .
13 I wo n't see you again for the rest of the time
14 Do n't have it just for the thing that 's free inside .
15 His sports and hobbies frequently took him away for the best part of the weekend ; work also ate into parts of Saturday and Sunday .
16 Treat the family and serve it with your favourite meats and salads — do n't save it just for the turkey !
17 ‘ Shame we could n't get anyone else for the delivery , these watches are murder . ’
18 Now independent taxation , as you may know , came in , we 're now in ninety three four , I 've only just altered the heading because very little else has changed and I 'm a lazy so and so I ca n't rewrite it just for the heading .
19 Assuming that the seller can then re-sell them elsewhere for the same price as the buyer had agreed to pay , the seller will suffer no loss .
20 Furthermore , when it became clear from the tone of the debate that Georgy Razumovsky , Gorbachev 's favoured candidate to head the key statutes commission ( responsible for finalizing the draft party rules ) , would be defeated , Gorbachev instead put himself forward for the post and was approved by a three-to-one majority .
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