Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Toucans collect them one at a time , throwing them up in the air and deftly catching them at the back of their throats .
2 A great big THANK YOU to all of the Clothes Show Live visitors that popped along to see us at the N.E.C.
3 A system where the user presses a series of buttons without thought and gets exactly what he needs ( rather than what he at that stage thinks he wants ) is efficient but not entirely educational , any more than one so difficult that the user could only throw himself at the mercy of the person sitting at the reader 's adviser desk .
4 So in two years flat , after riding on the crest of a wave , people who had been cock of the walk in ICI suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the league .
5 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
6 A talkative Bruce Willis dropped me outside the London flat fifteen minutes later ( you can assess the situation on the way upstairs ) , and Kenneth came down to meet me at the door .
7 ‘ I have only seen her at the funeral .
8 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
9 ‘ Our drivers can only negotiate them at a maximum of 15mph , ’ he said .
10 You 'll only spend it at the bar otherwise .
11 Because we can only understand it at a level of artificial instrumentation , and mathematical calculations on paper , we find it hard to imagine a little animal doing it in its head .
12 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
13 A farmer had a load of unwanted sawdust so piled it at the end of his drive with a notice : ‘ Free sawdust — help yourself ’ .
14 ‘ You 'd better drop me at the hospital . ’
15 The plan was to let him ride Dave Leach 's 400cc machine in the first round of the Superteens last weekend and then move on to Moodie 's Yamaha for the Scot is only riding it at the North West and the TT .
16 It only takes one at a time .
17 But then again , we can only hear them at the moment , but there are six of them .
18 The Oxford ordination ceremonies have been booked for April the sixteenth and seventeenth of next year although the Diocese stresses there 's been no race to be first , they 've merely found themselves at the head of the queue .
19 Surely the manager could have massaged his ego enough to keep him at the club .
20 Thus if my main concern is to have a vast stock of personal possessions and control over the lives of others , I can doubtless only have them at the expense of others .
21 Only keep one at a time , as the adults will fight unless kept in very large tanks .
22 He ca n't pay the television licence and tosses up every week between washing powder , toothpaste or soap : " I can only afford one at a time — personal hygiene is an expensive item . "
23 If mixing causes difficulties , will the dementia sufferers gain from a segregated day centre or segregated days in a day centre or hospital , or will this merely put them at a disadvantage ? b Literature Arie ( 1979 ) states that we need to know more of the pros and cons of integration in day hospitals .
24 But since such progress is conceived as immanent to musical history itself , independent of variants of musical practice , social usage and reception , the theory moves dangerously close to a hypostasis of technique ; at the very least it confines the relationship between musical and social structures to the level of the longue durée , since at that level society is ‘ encapsulated ’ in music , while in between , music 's ‘ autonomous unfoldment … follows the social dynamics without a glance or any direct communication ’ ( ibid : 206–7 ) , still less putting itself at the service of particular social subjects .
25 ‘ Your'e better hurting yourself at the time , because you 're going to feel awful when you see the paper and it 's not right , ’ he rationalizes .
26 The Princesse stepped in to defend her at every turn .
27 ‘ I only see her at the office .
28 Tony Coton apparently embraced him at the end and gave him soime words of encouragement .
29 A Gothic mahogany bookcase ( lot 478 , est. $6,000–9,000 ) was a beautiful piece of transitional classical/Gothic Revival furniture , though it was obviously missing something at the top , either an additional moulding or added tracery .
30 Amy 's not using it at the moment , oh goodness me .
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