Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All were of the highest technical calibre and all displayed an extraordinary range of exuberant and exotic motifs , For a few years , until Justinian effectively eclipsed it by his construction of the church of St Sophia in 532–537 , st Polyeuktos was evidently the largest and most sumptuous church in Istanbul ( Constantinople ) .
2 A name for the monk had instinctively formed itself in her mind .
3 Although there was initially some resistance on the part of manufacturers to the development of the variety multiples , they eventually found it to their advantage to deal directly with them .
4 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
5 Below : An aging male babirusa that appears near to the day when it slowly gores itself through its forehead .
6 and she comes in to see me on her way home from work
7 You might be lucky enough to see one in your garden , if you have one .
8 Ibn Battuta was lucky enough to see it in its prime :
9 And that annoyed me enough to drive me to my cabin , to clean myself up and choose fresh clothing .
10 Government reports , social legislation , anything she could lay her hands on that would better acquaint her with her work .
11 One of them rounded on him , grabbed him by the arm , but only asked him for his name and address . ’
12 Yes , Aunt Sarah , and since then I 've remembered my mother 's name , and the spell she put on me when I was a baby ; and I 've gone down to see her in her Castle under the sea …
13 ‘ The gun is merely to assure you of our seriousness . ’
14 She 's taking advantage of him , she only wants him for his money .
15 A humble self-sufficiency — hard-earned , often enough , like Larkin 's , and subject to sudden , spasmodic panics of loneliness or a fear of being thought insensitive — are the hallmark of many a post-war British hero , and no talk of anti-heroes can entirely rob it of its modicum of cautious praise .
16 The bills came on the morning of the burial , and he suddenly drew them from his pocket during the service , opening them without knowing what he was doing .
17 ‘ You 'll only need them for your school work , ’ her mother reassured her , also trying to talk herself out of her own dismay .
18 A good little program , even if you only want it for its entertainment value .
19 Povey and Sir W. Batten and I by water to Woolwich ; and there saw an experiment made of Sir R. Ford 's Holland 's yarn ( about which we have lately made so much stir ; and I have much concerned myself of our rope-maker , Mr Hughes who represented it so bad ) and we found it to be very bad , and broke sooner than , upon a fair triall , five threads of that against four of Riga yarne ; also that some of it had old stuffe that had been tarred , covered over with new hempe , which is such a cheat as has not been heard of .
20 They also display all the features of a volcanicity that lasted late enough to terrify Palaeolithic man and perhaps to provide him with his fire .
21 She caught a glimpse of a disfigured , oddly proportioned face in the depths of the shadowy hood , but this was n't enough to distract her from her purpose .
22 But the Tarvarian only muttered something under his breath , and spat left and right .
23 I am sure that the Housing Executive will want to consider it and I shall personally bring it to its attention .
24 If the pain which he had whenever he had anything the matter with his finger had always been a throbbing pain , and the pain caused by anything the matter with any other part of his body had never been a throbbing pain , then now , on experiencing a throbbing pain , he would naturally associate it with his finger .
25 But he can only , he can only do it on your information .
26 Similarly , the Andante ‘ on an old German Minnelied ’ does not move along as freely and naturally as it should and so loses something of its song quality .
27 Such intimacy as life with my mother entailed should cease with parturition , and since Syl so resembled her in his attitude to me I could see no end to my continued childhood .
28 You better do something about his hook , bend it round else
29 I remove the fry just before this stage ; gently syphoning them from their leaf , and then treating them as for fry hatched artificially .
30 Perhaps it was newspaper speculation that the ‘ courting couple ’ were about to get married that convinced Jason it was time to turn the tide in favour of something nearer the truth and gently let everyone into their secret that it was just one big publicity stunt which , once started , was easier to carry on with than deny , and far more profitable in any event .
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