Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In them he is no longer fighting against his instinctive understanding of the region , traditions and spirit of his home country , but embracing it as a source of inspiration , and eventually using it as a touchstone against which the characters and even life itself are to be judged .
2 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
3 Dorinda only knows herself by the mirror : it has literally and figuratively provided her with a self-image .
4 After the surgery , told to lose 50 pounds , he duly transformed himself into a jogging optimist .
5 We eventually found it on a road off the A35 east of Bridport .
6 Shoreditch eventually found it in a dictionary of American slang : ‘ A horse who wins a race by prearrangement ; a person , team , candidate , etc , who will or did win easily . ’
7 ‘ What happened , Fabia ? ’ he relentlessly pursued her for an answer .
8 She was a somewhat intense woman who probably rather enjoyed such gatherings , but I 've often wondered if she secretly used them as a ruse to get her husband home to mind the little one while she nipped out for a breather .
9 If I 'm going to snuff it , I 'd rather snuff it with a pint in my fist than one of their bloody mugs of Ovaltine .
10 And whereas Picasso had been forced to reintroduce clues , small fragments of legibility , into his work to render it more accessible to the spectator , Braque , even at his most abstract , instinctively retained them as a link with reality .
11 Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits to a bone-setter , who successfully healed him after an accident .
12 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
13 Parents were merely using it as a front to hit back at them over the premises issue .
14 Rubberneck could only compare it with a wedding , the crush , as a fight , when the cars drove off and they always threw out coins .
15 For the past two years The Fellow , who is half a thoroughbred , half trotter , has come to the final fence with Europe 's classic steeplechase seemingly won , only to lose it by a whisker on the run-in .
16 Just as Debbie was about to wind up the window , he suddenly asked her for a lift , saying he only lived 5 minutes down the road and could she drop him on her way ?
17 Of course , there are some men who will naturally regard you as an equal .
18 She only fought him for a moment or two .
19 In relation to the Irish worker , he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland , thus strengthening their domination over himself .
20 This is the untold story of an exchange which rightly prides itself on an ability to offer efficient markets in leading shares but which can not cope with the unattractive smaller companies .
21 Somehow they had found out that there was a prisoner in the hospital and Eric suddenly found himself with a guard of three carabinieri who were ordered to watch over him night and day and never let him out of their sight until arrangements could be made to send him to Germany .
22 Ultimately , the urge to move on that afflicted so many media people , and Florian more severely than most , would demand satisfaction , but she suspected that Luke would be shrewd enough to tempt him with an offer of his choice of all the other stations in which he had an interest .
23 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
24 You 've been clever enough to catch me in a honeytrap partly of my own making !
25 But as Celia says , the trouble is that so many people , they will only buy it in a year .
26 Which is sold everywhere today , you could only buy it in a chemist shop , tea .
27 In this series I hope to not only provide you with a list of the endangered animals , but also some fascinating information about each animal and the way it lives .
28 It alone provided him with an ideal of peace .
29 I hated myself for wounding him , and for perhaps driving him to a life of wickedness , or even death .
30 The fact that such an occupation was un-likely to provide him with a living did nothing to deter him .
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