Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Looking back over this early venture , it is easy enough to see in it the seeds of what was to come .
2 I do not envy those who only see in them the messengers of evil tidings , forebodings of rain , and who think the landscape is devoid of loveliness because the sun does not shine — because there is not an Italian sky overhead , and that the open car or gig he travels in is not a Pullman car .
3 His doctor constantly suggested to him the benefits of sun and sea air ( not that he needed any encouragement to visit the sea , since it still evoked for him the happiest memories ) , and in July they travelled , with Eliot 's sister who had come from America , to the Isle of Wight for two weeks .
4 We may seek to recreate care arrangements which no longer have within them the seeds of growth .
5 It was God 's intention that his people should always carry with them the values learnt at Mt Sinai .
6 But if we do , we should also discern in them the origins of the teamwork and collaboration that we have brought to an unparalleled peak of complexity and that has brought us some of our greatest achievements .
7 What is most remarkable about the talks and lectures he gave on this trip is the extent to which America now revived in him the memories of his childhood .
8 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
9 Her murderous dreams had then seemed to her the hallucinations of a soul mad with grief .
10 Why hide from him the facts that she had been coming since ?
11 It was Edna who had actually imparted to her the facts of life , Edna who had accurately predicted how long each governess would last , Edna who had vowed she would name her first daughter after Celia — and kept her promise .
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