Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 The three volcanoes concerned are about as widely scattered around the world as possible — Vesuvius in the Mediterranean , Krakatoa in Indonesia , and Mt Pelee in the Caribbean .
2 Apart from quinine for malaria and arsenicals for syphilis and sleeping sickness , chemotherapy was unpromising , usually because the ‘ chemical ’ did as much damage to the patient as to the microbe .
3 Just altogether less demanding on the child as well as on the mother .
4 He only came to the forefront as ‘ governer and ruler of the kingdom ’ , to use Walsingham 's words , ’ after the Good Parliament of 1376 .
5 so bothered about the diary as as actually trying to get
6 As a general rule , when the demand for a resource is such that it is allocated for two thirds of the available time , then programs spend twice as long waiting for the resource as using it .
7 ‘ It ca n't be that time , ’ she said , bounding up , only to clutch at the table as her head started up again .
8 In fact , the tea 's all set in the dining-room as usual and has been for … let me see ’ — she put her head on one side — ‘ how many years ? ’
9 If you are not disciplined enough to arrive at the agency as though dressed for work you may not be taken on to the books .
10 Cinnamond was greatly disquieted by the move as it deprived him of guidelines on which to base his reply .
11 Do they merely glide on the surface as they do in Les Patineurs ?
12 This type of butterfly eye-spot should not be confused with the much larger eyes that occur on some species — eye-spots that are suddenly flashed at the enemy as it draws close .
13 Platt , moved up front as Les Ferdinand 's minder , came close with a shot parried by Benedettini and Bruno Muccioli raced in to head over the bar as the ball appeared to be dropping into goal .
14 Well may Dr Rentoul claim that the health of the woman is our greatest natural asset , that the physically and mentally healthy woman has been so ruthlessly , so brutally , so generally mercilessly exploited by the male as women …
15 One of the most fundamental questions which has been posed is whether we can properly speak about the drama as writing .
16 Since that can not be effectively done under the law as it stands , there must be created a new body of law of the sort that has come to be called administrative law .
17 As fearful , angry , brave , quarrelsome , competitive , kind , generous , cooperative etc. do not exist in the world as measurable qualities , but humans as social beings may develop all , or none , to varying extents , so social behaviour like war can only be explained with reference to complex social factors , not to some assumed universal inner state .
18 Scorn will heaped on the book by people who can not think of the countryside as anything other than a marketable resource , or those who think they are being environmentally perceptive because they call a gate a peripherial access point and a path a mountain access route .
19 Jenna could still not think of the place as partly hers .
20 and I thought he can put that on something so that 's not resting on the floor as well , cos that 's where the wet 's on the
21 Rationing and controls in general were not regarded by the public as desirable elements in planning for a better Britain but as irksome and restrictive consequences of the war which should be got rid of as soon as better times allowed .
22 In Genentech Inc. " s Patent [ 1989 ] , it was held , inter alia , in the Court of Appeal that a patent which claimed the practical application of a discovery did not relate to the discovery as such and was not excluded by section 1(2) of the Patents Act 1977 even if the practical application might be obvious once the discovery had been made .
23 Some old people who were not included in the scheme as contributors receive a lower rate of pension .
24 It was tedious , but no longer alarming , and as she contrived most mornings to slip down to the shore for gulps of sea air , though she was careful now never to go beyond the rocks around the headland , she did not chafe at the confinement as once she had .
25 Possible extensions to active word edges are not added to the Chart as soon as they are found but are placed on the Agenda .
26 His mother clearly did not approve of the subject as being suitable for a teenager of Jamie 's age !
27 UNIP secretary-general Alexander Grey Zulu added his voice to the official rejection of multiparty politics , when he said in Kitwe on May 21 that those advocating the reintroduction of multiparty politics " should not beat about the bush as to their real motive , which was to acquire power " .
28 One can therefore presume that he was not looking at the landscape as scenery but as habitat .
29 If the drugs do not appear in the stool as planned , or if symptoms of intoxication develop , the smuggler may present to a casualty department , fearing a package has burst , fabricating a story to try to avoid criminal proceedings .
30 In addition , it was generally felt by the European as opposed to American contingent at the Ribera conference in Naples in May , that ‘ The sense of smell ’ from Oslo was probably by Falcone ( although this is in the Prado show as by Ribera ) and the ‘ Portia ’ is by Luca Giordano ( excluded ) .
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