Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] he [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 No other wave since has deposited him in the river .
2 Charlotte only wants to marry him for the house and comforts he can provide her later in life .
3 Did she know her husband well enough to come to rescue him from the consequences of his own indiscretions ?
4 From now until the catastrophe of 1870 the Emperor 's foreign policy was to be one of expedients and compromises , all of which only served to demean him in the eyes of Europe , while simultaneously underlining how feeble was any form of ‘ court diplomacy ’ faced with the reality of Bismarck 's ‘ blood and iron ’ tactics .
5 She constantly needed to caution him about the many dangers he was either too young or too stupid to recognize for himself .
6 He had to be assisted as he flayed himself , but he got most of the skin off as easily as a cardigan , and the minister only had to help him with the last few strips .
7 He never was — which was just as well since fate brought him a series of posts whose functions were not calculated to endear him to the public or the party .
8 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
9 It was clear that she had not expected to find him in the room .
10 When de Man subjects the metaphor of the fountain to " Proust 's own injunction " to submit the image to the " test of truth " , he apparently loses sight of the way that his own conception of metaphor as " intratextual complementarity " of inside and outside has led him towards the aporia .
11 She and Keith 's distraught fiancee Ann Sole desperately tried to save him with the kiss of life and heart massage .
12 To save his neck and protect his family was perhaps not the noblest of motives for coming forward as a witness , but if the DEA had not sought to frame him under the misapprehension that he was feeding information to Pan Am and the media , and if the DIA had not lacked the will to protect him behind the scenes , the idea of coming forward would never have crossed his mind at all — indeed , he might never even have known that he had a contribution to make to the Lockerbie investigation .
13 The Sheffield Star , in a piece not destined to endear him to the average Brightside voter , wrote of his ‘ ministerial pin stripes and patrician smooth accent . ’
14 NOW we have sent the Calibans grimacing and snarling back to their caves for a further spell , perhaps nice Mr Major will address himself to a problem with which we did not like to trouble him during the election .
15 It may be that Borg realised quite soon that family life was not going to carry him through the great silence left behind by his renunciation of that terrible drug , competitiveness .
16 John McVurich , alledged diviner , being summond and not compared recommended him to the session of Kilarrow to processe him for the same .
17 John McVurich , alledged diviner , being summond and not compared recommended him to the session of Kilarrow to processe him for the same .
18 In the normal way I would not have followed him into the gunsmith 's , a place of such absolute masculinity , smelling of game and metal , ringing with men 's talk .
19 Wickham suspected he looked dubious because she hurried on : ‘ Oh , I know you 're thinking I might not have noticed him at the bar .
20 The judge was told that the father had given undertakings ( which the judge recited in the course of his judgment ) that , if the court ordered the child to be returned to Canada , he would not attempt to remove him from the care of the mother without an order of the Canadian court ; that he would not support or initiate any contempt of court or criminal proceedings arising from the mother 's removal of the child , and would co-operate in having an early hearing of the proceedings in Ontario .
21 They were concerned when his mother did not arrive to deliver him for the day yesterday .
22 They were concerned when his mother did not arrive to deliver him for the day yesterday .
23 Guy Sterne 's smile was dry as she finally emerged to join him by the outdoor pools , her expression almost serene .
24 Smallfry always threatened to lock him in the toolshed with Rosie if ever he dared tell her secrets to anyone else .
25 I 'll tell you this , I 've always had to like him on the job .
26 ‘ It 's something he 's had for some time , but I was always going to play him despite the trouble and the fact he 's one booking away from a ban . ’
27 Far from moderating his condemnation of Mansell 's start-line performance in Estoril the previous week , the world champion stuck to his allegation that Mansell had deliberately tried to push him off the track .
28 I always intended to visit him after the war , but you know how it is : things were difficult , I was confoundedly busy at the University , I did n't particularly want to see Viola again though you 've got to swallow the pill with the jam , have n't you , and there was no particular reason why I should n't see her again .
29 A daunting background for the growing boy even though his parents wisely sought to cushion him from the realities .
30 He also threatened to drag him down the street handcuffed to the bumper of his car .
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