Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So we had chosen an exit at random , and I stepped over one of those high door-frames which are presumably intended to stop the sea water from sloshing into the saloon .
2 Then a series of colours that took my fancy were thinned down with water and sprayed , or rather spattered using a mouth diffuser , over the colours I have previously applied .
3 The competition lacked the prestige of the League Championship , and its future looked uncertain as one club after another abandoned it by successfully applying to enter the Football League — Bristol City in 1901 , Chelsea in 1905 , Fulham in 1907 and Tottenham in 1908 .
4 Coun Dixon said the corporation 's support proves that Darlington is widely considered to have a housing crisis .
5 Baldwin merely intended to fly a policy kite at Plymouth .
6 Your mission is to prevent the breakdown of Astra , by pushing water barrels down chutes to reduce the core temperature and reducing the Entropy level .
7 In this case , the agent only needs to see a ticket manifest ( a government-stamped document showing how many tickets are printed for the venue ) and a box office statement from the hall ( stating how many tickets were sold ) when checking the promoter 's expenses .
8 In this case the user only needs to specify the bucket size required from the alternatives provided , as the formatting and addressing have already been carried out by the manufacturer .
9 We did n't go in to try to do a hit record , just a documentary , homecoming get-together with a bunch of friends .
10 Yassa estimates that the loss of salmon and steelhead stocks alone has cost the fishing industry $1 billion over the past 20 years .
11 He should have told Cottee to go and do his talking on the park and perhaps tried to change the team plan to assist his strike-force ( if that 's the right word ) .
12 The Doctrine must be seen for what it was — a very political document which had been hastily cobbled together to try to fill the power vacuum caused by the Suez fiasco .
13 Trite though it may sound , the Pacific , unlike its sister seas , is an ocean of many worlds indeed — and at the same time by being so has become the world ocean , as dominant and all-encompassing as its immensity suggests it has to be .
14 They tried all day to stem the bleeding but failed , so decided to do an emergency op .
15 No company , after all , is better equipped to design a jamming device for a particular missile than the company that made the missile in the first place .
16 dear oh dear , and she said to me well they can get these crook locks , they 've only got to a , they 've only got to bend the steering wheel , I said will
17 ‘ I like to think passengers leave one of my classes feeling fit and ready for anything , not as if they 've personally helped dig the Channel tunnel !
18 She had already explained the full landing procedures , the control of the plane by power and rudder , the way the ailerons were only used to hold the plane level .
19 The men , who match descriptions of the rapist , have all agreed to give a blood sample .
20 There was a professional choir as well as the children , and the sound of hymns being so brilliantly performed made the Foundling Hospital chapel the most popular place of worship in London .
21 My granddaughter is safe at our table with Jane , and in a moment we 're all going to watch the firework display . ’
22 You 've got to have somebody that 's , that 's obviously going to save a mortice lock to you .
23 Already it has a licence arrangement with object maven Hyperdesk Corp and apparently intends to use the Object Management Group 's Object Request Broker .
24 Already it has a license arrangement with object maven Hyperdesk Corp and apparently intends to use the Object Management Group 's Object Request Broker .
25 For our purpose it is important to note that it merely threatened to dent the Treasury ascendancy over economic policy-making .
26 Robert Penfold 's advocacy of pulsed controllers for model railways in the April issue should perhaps have contained a motor health warning !
27 ‘ I was all set to do a solo record for Shrapnel , but a couple of months before I was due to do it , Mike Varney introduced me to Jason , who was only 16 at the time .
28 This business was all set to flood the club scene with Ecstasy capsules worth around 25 million . ’
29 Royal Ballerina , who was runner-up in the English and Irish Oaks , is trained at Ashburn by Michael Kauntze , whose stable jockey Warren O'Connor is not fit enough to ride following an ankle operation .
30 Another woman told me about how Sylheti men returned to the village to find a bride : ‘ After years in England they suddenly decide to marry a village girl .
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