Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 French colonialism only taught people to put on perfume and a new shirt .
2 The second method is to use a waiting list so that only those whose condition is mild enough to enable care to continue at home will be admitted .
3 It is possible to search through many relations , indeed the whole database , and the RANGE command can be used to restrict such access by only allowing users to refer to relations defined in a RANGE statement .
4 Opponents lucky enough to escape Malawi to live in exile have sometimes been hunted down and assassinated or abducted by Malawian agents in Zambia or Zimbabwe .
5 Roland do not necessarily have time to reply to letters where the course of action has already been explained in the handbook .
6 I only had time to gasp in horror , before I saw that Heathcliff had caught him .
7 The failure of the phenomenological approach to teach skills of discernment , and to wrestle with truth-claims and the problems these present when they are conflicting , does not prepare pupils to cope with secularist objections to religion .
8 I certainly do NOT want Leeds to play like Norwich/Nottm Forest .
9 Margie had not pressed Hugo to talk about Greg Martin though her professional instincts had nagged at her that if she could probe a little into the association it would produce some riveting television .
10 But the essay is usually a closed form , not allowing students to admit to uncertainty in their thinking , not allowing them to explore their ideas in imaginative and open-ended ways .
11 He just wants money to go to France .
12 He already has plans to appear in Death Wish Six and Seven .
13 The public order legislation will mean that the police , besides being charged with the duty to keep the peace , will be enabled to mediate the already constrained ability to engage in protest and dissent on a much wider front
14 And City staff needing a quick flight to Zurich , Stockholm , Brussels or Paris were pleased that jets were finally granted permission to land at Silvertown 's airport last September .
15 Callistus also offended Hippolytus ' moral rigorism by asserting that the power of the keys entrusted by the Lord to his church did not exclude authority to restore to communion penitent adulterers .
16 Mozart finally made plans to travel to Paris in the spring with Johann Baptist Wendling , a flautist at the Mannheim court orchestra , and the oboist Friedrich Ramm , but nevertheless Leopold 's letters show him becoming increasingly exasperated , above all at being in debt as a result of his son 's activities .
17 I 've already made arrangements to go with Nicky and Florian . ’
18 However , schools did not like students to feel at home in arts and science : a rigid division between the two prevailed :
19 An Almond Bank link would thus enable cyclists to get from Edinburgh to the Forth Road Bridge on quiet roads or paths .
20 An Almond Bank link would thus enable cyclists to get from Edinburgh to the Forth Road Bridge on quiet roads or paths .
21 In theory , a shaikh did not have authority to intervene in quarrels within his lineage .
22 She knew from experience that if she started a conversation with the girls about anything other than business , it could go on for ever , and Christina did not have time to listen to Todney 's domestic problems this morning .
23 the system should not encourage users to look at books classified nearby unless they are closely related ;
24 The IDA statement concluded : ‘ Finally , the IDA does not encourage industry to locate in Ireland which would pose a threat to the public health .
25 If it is thought to be preferable , this is for reasons having nothing to do with neutrality , such as a desire to bring the war to a speedy end or not to allow people to profit from wars .
26 As you may know the Cardinal has already taken steps to set in train a thorough investigation into the moral implications of the Law Lords ' decision .
27 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to call on David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price the Foundation charges for a licence : it says the Foundation is now redoing its sums .
28 Soon afterwards , on Good Friday , Walter was seized by a fever ; his house was invaded by impure demons ; he just had time to struggle to Sault and make his confession ; and at dawn on Easter Sunday ‘ he withdrew from his body ’ .
29 If Duke Egeus did not ask Hermia to choose between Demetrius and life in a nunnery in Act 1 , there would be no point pressing her for an answer four acts later .
30 You may not accept invitations to speak on TV or radio programmes , participate in surveys or contribute to publications which might include commenting on the work of the ES or other Government Departments without having first gained permission from your manager .
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