Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He always had to spend ages reassuring Lennie he did want to travel with him and George had to keep on reminding Lennie of their dream , of alfalfa and rabbits , to comfort him .
2 Engineers should contribute effectively to risk management within their organisation by doing everything reasonably practicable to ensure that good practice is being followed .
3 They gave Jack the chance to practise some of the underhand humour that eventually became part of his mystique .
4 She instinctively shielded Ari with her arm , drawing her close to her body .
5 She ran from the canteen , furiously knocking chairs from her path .
6 The most widely reported feature of his speech was the proposal to repeal a 35-year-old law outlawing the Communist Party of the Philippines — Marxist Leninist ( CPP-ML ) and similar organizations , and to institute a sweeping amnesty .
7 Indeed , just before his interview with Meese , he had dropped in to see McFarlane in his office precisely , McFarlane thought , to agonize over the fact that the diversion was a matter of record : ‘ I put it in a memo to the Admiral . ’
8 She tried to make her voice heard above the general clamour and hurried forward , only to lose sight of her quarry in the crowd .
9 Under ‘ Thursday ’ , he read of only two engagements : his treat , that is , the lunch he was giving at English 's Oyster House at one o'clock for six of his local party , much travelled Salopians upon whose goodwill , patience and forbearance he had long relied ; and ( here his heart fell ) the National Society of Agents ' dinner at the Metropole Hotel .
10 Elaine drained hers thirstily and made a loud sucking noise with her straw .
11 His parents hoped that this might prove a stepping-stone to a painter 's career , but Rosenberg hated the work , only deriving consolation from his reading of such poets as Byron , Keats , Shelley , and , most importantly , William Blake [ qq.v. ] ; from his own writing ; and from evening painting classes at the art school of Birkbeck College .
12 Oh , better make space for my money , what !
13 The Zurich Festival in June has taken its place among the mos highly regarded events of its kind in Europe .
14 He suddenly has trouble with his breathing .
15 At times , its organisations , in particular the unions and cooperative societies , were persuaded by socialists acting out of self interest to take unpropitious courses of action ; against such leaders , genuine , common-sensical ( English ) workers must assert their authority , restore equilibrium and so provide conditions under which production would increase to the benefit of all .
16 He said my father can have it , he can do , have it , I only want money for my charity ,
17 He figures Sun only has price in its corner and claimed Apollo users , the last of the die-hard zealots opposed to Sun on religious grounds , wo n't be budged simply on price .
18 He not only has room in his science for God ; he tries to create God using only some laws of physics , some simplifying assumptions , some outrageous extrapolations , and truly cosmic gall .
19 A front-line supervisor only has authority over his part of the work of the organisation and can not issue instructions to another part .
20 The committee already had prematurely exalted views of its importance , for it deferred to the next meeting the question of how to apply to the King for royal patronage — patronage of an institution which had no actual existence .
21 Only once was I innocent enough to voice my fears , bringing down wounding charges on my head .
22 ‘ But surely no one would be mad enough to hide gelignite in his room ? ’ said Amiss .
23 It was Molly , of course , who introduced Medau work in the Special Needs sector and she has been followed by a number of our teachers who all deserve recognition for their work in this field .
24 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
25 Poulantzas appeals to Althusser 's theory to resolve the long-standing problem of how to characterise the capitalist state — and in doing so casts light on its power and its limitations .
26 For the chief defect of parliamentary democracy is that it is representative : when a person elects a representative he necessarily surrenders part of his sovereignty to him .
27 Following the much trumpeted loss of her maidenhood , she is said to have undergone a test to determine whether or not she has AIDS , an ailment prevalent in that part of the world .
28 But it remained uncertain whether they were strong enough to create conditions in which peace could be negotiated even on the most minimal of their terms .
29 In a similar study , Lawani & Bayer found that 14% of the highly rated papers in their study of cancer research were not highly rated by peers , and that only 2.3% of their highly rated papers were never cited .
30 Boz made the announcement as though expecting Dolly to argue with him , but she merely nodded acknowledgement of his statement .
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