Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [noun prp] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps Miss Hopper should speak to the women who 've been raped by some of the men in here .
2 Only Mr Hattersley could prophesy about the past and still get it wrong .
3 The second reason for linking the British currency to the Deutschmark was the argument that by so doing Britain would benefit from being inextricably tied to ‘ sound ’ German financial policies , especially those aimed at controlling inflation .
4 Perhaps Mr. Shelford should speak to some of the players in our sport who have been seriously injured by high tackles and then see how tough he feels ?
5 And all Mrs Thatcher could say in the face of that mocked Mr Kinnock , was that tax cuts looked unlikely next year .
6 Perhaps Lord Rees-Mogg should stick to picking European mastersingers ?
7 However , to save memory the programmers have cut off everyone 's legs , leaving sprites that only Basil Brush could identify with .
8 Only Howard Baker could manage to be in the same room as God and not to notice him ! ’ cries Rayner Keat .
9 It remains to be seen whether or not Darren Jackson will recover from the stomach injury which kept the striker out of Hibs ' Cup win over Cowdenbeath .
10 Usually Aunt Louise would seem to be asleep , or not to realize I was there .
11 But while Half A Sixpence has a budget of £35,000 , the best any Young Walsingham can expect to received is three pence .
12 Half a century later Dr Barnardo could write in similar tones : ‘ The East End of London is a hive of factory life and factory means that which is inimical to home …
13 But sooner or later Mrs Longhill must write to her father and he would feel obliged to speak to Ruth 's family .
14 Tomorrow Mr Kinnock will call for his successor to be chosen ‘ sooner rather than later ’ and will urge the ruling National Executive Committee to hold a special June conference to decide the issue .
15 In which case , surely Mr Steel should ask for his dog back .
16 Today Mr Mendiluce will go to the Bosnian capital , Sarajevo , to urge President Alija Izetbegovic to reverse a decision to refuse further aid to the city out of sympathy with the Muslims in the east .
17 Then Little Billy would slip into his dressing gown and climb on to Swan 's back and off they would go .
18 On Thursday , December 17 in Room 24 , Alex Seago will talk on ‘ Peter Blake : An English Pop Artist ’ ; Friday 18 in the Lower Galleries at 1 pm Charles Hustwick will talk on ‘ Beardsley to Bomberg : British Drawings and Watercolours ’ , on Saturday December 19 in the Auditorium at 1 pm Laurence Bradbury will talk about ‘ Peter Blake : original Pop ’ ; Sunday December 20 at 2.30 pm in the Auditorium , Laurence Bradbury will talk on ‘ Ivon Hitchens : natural Abstraction ’ , and on Sunday December 27 at 2.30 in the Auditorium , Laurence Bradbury will talk about ‘ A Sequence of 20th Century ‘ Isms ’ , Lectures are free and no prior booking is required .
19 Those rumours were quickly quashed by the Treasury , but there remained an underlying conference mood of expectation and anticipation ; wondering how Mr Lawson would respond to party concern about the economy .
20 Maybe Mr Lewis would like to be allowed to walk in the country alongside the army in training ? — more fool him .
21 Then Amanda Pennington might hear about it ; her cousin was in another House and they wrote to each other .
22 This was n't how Mrs Parvis used to speak of the enemy .
23 How Jack Mason would perform on any given day was , more than with most sportsmen , in the gift of the golfing gods .
24 This morning in Bonn , Dr Kohl will preside at an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss how West Germany should respond to the events of recent days .
25 On Thursday , December 17 in Room 24 , Alex Seago will talk on ‘ Peter Blake : An English Pop Artist ’ ; Friday 18 in the Lower Galleries at 1 pm Charles Hustwick will talk on ‘ Beardsley to Bomberg : British Drawings and Watercolours ’ , on Saturday December 19 in the Auditorium at 1 pm Laurence Bradbury will talk about ‘ Peter Blake : original Pop ’ ; Sunday December 20 at 2.30 pm in the Auditorium , Laurence Bradbury will talk on ‘ Ivon Hitchens : natural Abstraction ’ , and on Sunday December 27 at 2.30 in the Auditorium , Laurence Bradbury will talk about ‘ A Sequence of 20th Century ‘ Isms ’ , Lectures are free and no prior booking is required .
26 He 's particularly interested to see how Luca Cadalora will go on an NSR after four seasons aboard the sweeter handling YZR .
27 Sometimes Hanka Zborowska would go to the grocer and buy a kilo of red beans which they would share with Modigliani , just to make sure they all had something to eat .
28 Yet Tom Fawthrop could write in It52 that the RSSF represented a move away from ‘ the sectarian left ’ and ‘ the move into a deeper , more imaginative level of politics … we will be the first generation in history to consciously plan and map-out its own future , and create a society of its own . ’
29 I could see it from where Abu Khadra used to stand at the edge of his fields in Barqa , although few people knew where Barqa was .
30 ‘ Ca n't think why Archie Cousins should pick on me , ’ said Joe , eyeing his carpet-bag frowningly .
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