Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would rather musicians took the latter course — and so , I bet , would you .
2 My view of the exhibition and these complementary texts is that they seem for the most part to lack the critical motivation and the dialectical irony of the Situationists .
3 These other approaches for the most part reflect a leading feature of most twentieth-century philosophy — the revolt against Absolute Idealism of the Hegelian type , with its tendency to downgrade the individual , the personal , and the historical in favour of the ideal and impersonal .
4 Discreetly Emilia dropped the unwanted chestnut in the snow and gathered the collars of her coat about her .
5 Slowly Pat tore the brown paper apart .
6 For long Germany had a political inferiority complex because of her failure , as Germans saw it , to develop into a nation-state along the lines of the countries of Western Europe .
7 So nutritionists employ a bigger unit — the kilocalorie , which is 1000 calories .
8 Perhaps Osiris represents an early king whose death led to war between the two kingdoms .
9 We belt along the freeway , clearing a good fifty miles , when suddenly Lucker slams a hard fist down on the dashboard .
10 In reply , Greenidge and Richards hammered 88 in even time , but then only Murray made a substantial score , his 64 being joint top with Richards and 41 more than it should have been had a catch been accepted ; 308 all out .
11 So the nurse said to the sister she said he 's got a bit of jaundice , but they were whispering and Pete said well dad , so mum said no bloody jaundice she said , he , he
12 Marthus did n't actually foresee this erm , this leap in from technology and as a result he was basing his predictions on past trends so if past trends had continued would have been , he w , he would been correct but because erm , agriculturalists started to erm , use technology and at that time it was a very sort of low technology , but nevertheless it would , would 've production dramatically you know , you do n't think of drainage as being particularly high tech but it can increase the , the yield on a crop sort of four or five times and so si simple drainage systems would be introduced erm ro rotations were being introduced , again rotations you think of being fairly straightforward but erm prior to the agricultural revolution rotations were n't used rotations can improve the fertility of the soil and er yields as well right okay , so agriculture produces a homogenous product , by and large and er as there is n't the scope , the product differentiation , and there is n't the scope for specialisation because we 'd need a farm the size of Europe to feed the world with , w with wheat .
13 So Swindon take a two goal advantage into tonight 's match .
14 So Swindon have a new man to lead them into the Premier League .
15 Perhaps Edward expected no other outcome , and indeed preparations for another campaign in France were well in hand when the treaty was concluded .
16 " If only Toby had a little money or a proper job — he 's a sweet boy , but "
17 4.00pm Linda adds the final touch to the swill roll .
18 and its still looking good for the promotion play-offs … only Tranmere have a realistic chance of catching the top six teams …
19 The clientele made a perfect captive audience and in the early autumn of Paula 's second year at the store the management decided to bring in models to show the new season 's fashions at the times when the restaurant was most likely to be full of ladies who had accounts with Jenkinsons and cheque books in their capacious handbags .
20 In Rugby Union ; Ireland seven , England sixteen ; so England claim the triple crown with two late tries after a passionate Ireland side threatened to deny them .
21 So Katie made the following comment shortly after she had picked up a card showing Mitch from Baywatch :
22 So accumulation played the decisive role in maintaining favourable demand conditions .
23 In large surf it is sometimes worth slowing down ad letting a large wave pass before attempting the gybe .
24 So Ruth made the rich mixture and in turn the three of them stirred it , reciting meanwhile the collect for the Sunday before Advent .
25 Susan did n't get up that day , so Breeze had a great deal to do .
26 For the first half of the fifteenth century , Gascony was under less pressure , probably because Henry V 's campaigns had shifted the bulk of military activity to northern France , but even so war had a serious effect on wine exports .
27 In the novel , Balzac , Stendhal , and especially Zola illustrate a developing modernization in content , in their shift from the classical and idealized to the social and the every-day and finally , in Zola 's case , to approximating the fully contingent .
28 Regardless of fluctuations , BBC1 reflected closely the class composition of the population as a whole ; ITV had a working-class skew right from the start ; all channels ( especially ITV had a female skew ; and all had an age profile considerably older than the population as a whole ( in the 1970s , on the other hand 5 — 14 year olds had watched the most ) .
29 Polanski used the club as his base and as an access point to its abounding supply of beautiful women ; just as Hefner 's Playboy mansion in Los Angeles was a magnet for the bright young things of Hollywood , so Lownes established a social whirl that attracted the cream and the elite of off-beat London society , plus some very famous names , eventually to include Nicholson himself .
30 So efforts to facilitate a painless reduction in one sphere requires the state to assist in the maintenance of the other .
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