Example sentences of "[pron] could not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even I could n't will wakefulness with complete success , and the events of those nights soon began to affect my day-time behaviour .
2 because I could n't speak English at all , I speak the , I could read a paper or a book , I du n no what is all about , but I used to get because you got on it for instant like mm
3 His lips moved , and some noises came out but I could n't make sense of them .
4 He said something and I could n't make sense of it
5 I could n't leave Elinor on her own . ’
6 ‘ I left here , telling myself I could n't be lady Anne 's companion 'cos I could n't leave mama on her own .
7 Oh I could n't eat chocolate in bed .
8 ‘ I went from feeling useless because I could n't get work to feeling defiant .
9 I could n't get hold of Desmond Ingard , then I remembered Andrew Stavanger , whom , I must say , I trusted a good deal more .
10 Yes yes of co of course I was , but i could n't get hold of Dr and I thought well we 're gon na have to try it this way anyway at some stage .
11 I could n't get hold of him yesterday !
12 " But I could n't take responsibility for them , " Mr. Mendez said .
13 ’ At first I felt I could n't take care of my own life , ’ she says , remembering a rocky past with its broken marriage , drink and drugs .
14 er if it 's people give you things like reference lists and reading lists , I mean sometimes that 's the most confusing thing to be given because you do n't know , I used to think you were supposed to read everything on them er and I actually tried doing that once or twice and I could n't find stuff in Aston library so I ran up the er town library and went to Birmingham University library and then I got back the next week and I realized that I was about the only person who 'd actually done that and other people had n't
15 I had to have a cast on it and I could n't play guitar at all in any fashion .
16 Well anyway it gets half way through this wood I could n't see couple of yards in front of me
17 As hard as I tried , I could not make use of the staff , so I carried it , hobbling like a stage imbecile .
18 I explained to the man that I could not carry cheese to my appointment but that I would be back another day .
19 It was the first time that someone close to me had died , and I could not imagine life without my sister , even if I had never loved her , or even thought about her recently .
20 Almost two centuries later it was being proposed that in much the same way every Spanish ambassador should have assigned to him a son or younger brother " to assist him as a comrade in his work " , be instructed in the conduct of embassy business and handle matters the ambassador himself could not spare time for , with the implication that he might well succeed to the post if it fell vacant .
21 And his mother , anxious when she could not make contact with him , reported him missing nine days later .
22 ‘ I can only think she decided she could not marry Fabien after all , but could not bear to tell him so either .
23 She could not offer advice as a grandmother , despite her long experience of children ; and now her own children had ceased to confide in her ‘ because they felt that the time had come when I ought to be ‘ spared ’ every possible worry .
24 A CHARGE of rape on a mentally handicapped girl was dropped yesterday after a judge ruled she could not give evidence against her alleged attacker .
25 Once she was there it would require a tremendous effort of will to get her back to London — except that she could not leave Holly in charge for more than a day ; and except that she was avid for information about the murder inquiry ; and except that there were any number of good stories she wanted to pursue for the column and any amount of private gossip she wanted to hear .
26 Having got this joke out of the way , she was then told no she could not have money for food , but she could have cash for a carpet .
27 After a restless few hours ' sleep , Fabia awakened to daylight and the concrete knowledge that for her sister 's sake she could not accept defeat on that interview issue .
28 ( Who ever heard of a mother falling so ill she could not take care of her household , whereas everywhere there were men drunk , mad , gaoled , old , worn out-who had become as children again to their wives ? )
29 It was not that she could n't contemplate marriage to anyone other than Will .
30 But she could n't stop thinking of David in his white coat , visiting the patients , touching them , and this was where her thoughts made her tingle all over , and she had to set her mind to something else .
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