Example sentences of "[pron] can not [be] [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Guar gum is a complex polysaccharide which can not be digested or absorbed and it appears to have two effects .
2 Finally , quality control : it is a complex , sophisticated and highly responsible enterprise , demanding knowledge and skills which can not be presumed and therefore require proper training , together with a full and open debate with those whose work is under review about the criteria whereby quality is to be judged .
3 ‘ Because if morality has a status which can not be challenged or transcended then the search itself is under judgment . ’
4 The ‘ bleep test , ’ the faceless , metronomic PT Instructor which can not be cursed or cheated , has honed the squads to a peak of measurable athletic performance , suggesting that our cricketers are fitter than our rugby players .
5 First of all , health and health care are seen as political , social and ideological issues which can not be understood or tackled in isolation on a medical or technical basis .
6 An anonymous memorandum sent to Rome just after his death accused him of storing up great wealth and even of having profited from the neglect of the episcopal estates , accusations which can not be substantiated but which may not have been complete fabrications .
7 In each case the land has been exploited far beyond its true potential — out of dire necessity during the Wars , and now for blind greed and short-term gain resulting in vast surpluses which can not be eaten or sold .
8 There are obviously important facets of the local political system — such as power , patronage and personality — which can not be quantified and so must be left out of the ‘ explanation ’ .
9 But in the long run nature , which can not be ignored or defied with impunity , asserts its power ; … health fails … [ she ] leaves college a good scholar but a delicate and ailing woman … the special functions which have relation to her future offices as a woman , and the full and perfect accomplishment of which is essential to sexual completeness , have been deranged at a critical time .
10 Video pictures are recorded in the form of overlapping magnetic signals which can not be cut and respliced without severely disrupting the pictures when the tape is played back .
11 Sharp increases in local prices which can not be predicted and rises and falls in exchange rates lead to much confusion when trying to determine an expatriate 's disposable income .
12 If we are to know anything , we must proceed on the basis of certain things which can not be proved but which must be presupposed .
13 If the former can not be allowed to happen because this spells an end to society , then external coercion must come to replace internal restraint ; and drives which can not be inhibited and redirected by the ego and superego must instead be mastered by agencies of social control .
14 It may be possible to argue that the parol evidence rule applies and that the signed document contains the whole of the parties ' agreement , which can not be supplemented or varied by reference to any other document or oral agreement .
15 Realistic goals , mutually agreed with the patient when this is possible , could then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the person cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
16 Mutual , realistic goals can then be set to prevent potential problems from becoming actual ones ; to alleviate or solve the actual problems ; or to help the patient cope with those which can not be alleviated or solved .
17 which can not be interpreted or praised :
18 By virtue of s41 of CPA 1987 , breach of a safety regulation , as distinct from the general safety requirement , is also grounds for a civil action by any person affected which can not be excluded or limited by any contract term or notice .
19 We have said goodbye to a person who can not be replaced and the rest of us will have to work the harder and care the more in order to try to fill the gap left by his passing .
20 If you can not be contacted or do not make acceptable repayment proposals within a reasonable time , we may commence or continue procedures to enforce repayment .
21 But , importantly , they can not be ignored nor can they be dismissed easily as irrational fabrications .
22 But for those with a relatively static model of the universe and more or less fixed expectations , the discrepancies are deeply troubling if they can not be ignored or resolved by supplementary perceptual categories .
23 However , their benefits are much less tangible than a physical product in that they can not be stored or displayed and satisfaction is achieved through activities ( e.g. transportation from one place to another rather than say a seat on a train ) .
24 Some of these aspects may well combine in complex and inexplicable ways in the learning process and clearly the teacher can not take the chance of depriving learners of effective learning conditions on the grounds that they can not be explained or controlled .
25 They can not be shot or netted since they refuse to budge and will be sitting tight underground .
26 Like the colour of the great shades in the saloon , they can not be replaced or even exactly reproduced .
27 Lawrence warned : ‘ Bristol will be relaxed because they can not be promoted or relegated .
28 The ‘ headlands ’ , where the horses or tractors turn at either end of the ridges , constitute too large a proportion of a smallholder 's roots field to be allowed to lie fallow , but they can not be cultivated and sown until the inter-row hoeing is completed .
29 Infra-red may be regarded as a form of light to which the human eye is insensitive — that is , it can not be seen but otherwise behaves in practically the same way .
30 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
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