Example sentences of "[pron] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] if " in BNC.

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1 I can hardly be blamed if the production was cancelled . ’
2 ’ We will be building cables with ducts leading off to every house , which can easily be connected if they want the service . ’
3 Colours can then be introduced into the bathroom with paint , wallpaper , curtains and accessories , all of which can easily be changed if you fancy a new look .
4 The litter component will also help to maintain nutrient status which can also be manipulated if careful thought is given to the mixture of species ( both tree and crop ) to be grown in juxtaposition .
5 Depending on the terms of the contract , delays by nominated subcontractors which affect the main contractor may result in claims against the client which can best be avoided if all of the subcontractors are selected by the main contractor .
6 There is clearly an element of circularity in the argument in that it presumes that the subject-matter is properly before the tribunal , a presumption which can only be made if subject-matter is defined purely in terms of furnished tenancy itself .
7 You can only be hurt if you do — and you will surely hurt her .
8 One can never be defeated if one stands on a matter of morality . ’
9 They can also be repaired if punctured using PVC cement and/or patches .
10 The position is that when we admit anyone to nursing home care , they can only be admitted if there is a joint assessment partly by a social worker from this department , partly by either the nurse or G P , or consultant , and the , the key element needless to say in that , in terms of need , is very much the health authority input .
11 They are effective , yes , but like gassing they can almost be eliminated if we use our sporting methods with greater skill .
12 It can easily be removed if required and replaced in minutes .
13 If a dispute does arise , it can quickly be resolved if it is clear ( 1 ) that the terms cover the situation in question , ( 2 ) what the terms mean and ( 3 ) what the effect of the terms is .
14 It can only be met if zonal governments connect through all-planetary councils .
15 It is like expert power in that it can only be exercised if others recognise and accept it .
16 However , the definitions of ’ payment ’ , ’ debt ’ and ’ loan ’ all contain the word ’ money ’ , so it can still be reached if the search goes far enough .
17 It can still be cherished if less often adulated .
18 Assuming that neither the document in question , nor the tests of which its examination formed a part , gave the auditor reason to be put on enquiry , he can hardly be criticised if it subsequently transpires that the document was fraudulently created or used .
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