Example sentences of "[pron] who [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
2 A playwright once responded to someone who asked him about the message of his play that when he wanted to send messages he did so by telegram .
3 Everyone who made it to the summit was rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view .
4 They were great champions and everyone who saw them on the ice thought they were lovers .
5 It was me who warned you of the Fascist element infiltrating at Danino 's .
6 And besides , do n't forget , it was she who dumped you in the end .
7 " It was you who pulled me to the ground ? "
8 One who knew him in the Bandung period , Takdir Alisjahbana , recalls : ‘ A fascinating personality … few [ were ] able to resist his charm .
9 The one who told me about the five quid .
10 You were the one who followed me from the ferry ! ’
11 The one who interviewed me about the accident . ’
12 Sometimes he would be able to hire a premium artist , one who paid him for the privilege of playing .
13 The richly-dressed one who paid you over the odds ? ’
14 It presumes the existence of at least two parties , one who allocates responsibility and one who accepts it with the undertaking to report upon the manner in which responsibility has been discharged .
15 In biblical language , God makes himself known always and only as the Lord who lays his claim upon us ; in that of Kierkegaard , he is the Subject who can never be reduced to an object , but is always the One who challenges us across the gulf of the ‘ infinite qualitative difference ’ , and so awakens in us the ‘ infinite passion ’ of faith .
16 It was also he who told me of the Great Ones , ’ he went on with a faraway look , ‘ and how they had chosen us to be saved to do this . ’
17 It was he who told me about the injuries the King received .
18 Rumour had it that it was he who brought it to the attention of Chamberlain , who became President of the Board of Trade at the same time as Plimsoll left the House , that numbers of lives lost at sea , after falling as a result of the Load Line Act , were now again on the increase .
19 It was he who introduced me to the doyen of all Tibetan experts , Sir Charles Bell who , because of the war , was living quietly at The Old Charming Inn near Victoria while writing his last book .
20 Wilson 's principal domestic fault was his kindness in bestowing benefits on friends , and indeed on anyone who approached him in the appropriate fashion , and certainly through Marcia Williams .
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