Example sentences of "[pron] would be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 she was nearly retiring by the , no still the girls go to her at the school so she must have been going for , two or three years after we came up here , but I would be in the choir just , maybe two or three years .
2 ‘ One day , he would tell me , I would be in the record books and so I should remain ageless .
3 Erm some of which would be in the area of search but I think practically , for obviously drainage reasons , they would n't be a constraining factor .
4 But , worst of all , she would not be able to take her unfortunate friend to be changed back to his normal self , and this was the only night of the whole year when she would be in the presence of a magician .
5 When he was in the dining room she would be in the dairy ; when he wandered out to look at the home fields she would be over the lake by Burtness Wood ; when he made his way to the wood she would retreat up the fell and it was pointless , he rightly guessed , as well as being too open to comment , to pursue her onto the tops .
6 She would be in the room and he would dismiss her with a flick of the hand as though she were a servant . ’
7 And in a few moments she would be in the privacy of her own cabin , snuggling into a warm sleeping-bag on a thick foam mattress with a fabric cover that matched the padded headrest .
8 Octavia Hill , too , adopted the principle that her housing ventures must be self-supporting , and that the tenants should pay an economic rent ; she maintained that rate-aided housing might be a danger to poorer tenants , who would be in the position of having to contribute through the rates to council housing , when they could scarcely afford the rent for their own inferior accommodation .
9 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
10 And in a jiffy you would be in the garden , and in another jiffy you would be through the front gate , and in yet another jiffy you would be exploring the marvellous Forest of Sin all by yourself .
11 You would be in the dark though were you if you shut the power down .
12 That way you would be in the UEFA Cup where there is no preliminary round and at least have a chance of getting a lucrative pay-day against a big club . ’
13 This is constantly done in Mincing Lane [ a street in the City of London ] , and the person who acts in this way is , perhaps , a quasi-arbitrator or even an arbitrator , but he is an arbitrator of a particular sort , and it is not intended that there should be the same judicial proceeding on his part as there would be in the case of an arbitrator appointed under a formal submission .
14 And if she left it , God alone knew what sort of mess there would be in the morning .
15 Such large nests and so many of them would be in the way on the earth .
16 They would be in the North Kent grazing marshes , an extension to the South Downs ESA , the Hampshire Avon Valley , the River Burn catchment in Northern Ireland , the North Staffordshire Moors , the whole of Anglesey , the Forest of Bowland near Preston , Orkney and Shetland , and both the Inner and Outer Hebrides .
17 Servette qualified for the UEFA Cup by finishing fourth in the Swiss League but last November it looked like they would be in the Champions ' Cup .
18 They would be in the hills above Ivrigar by now .
19 The sky clouded , grew overcast and heavy , and they waited patiently for the rain to start in on them again , knowing they would be in the warmth of Ivrigar by nightfall .
20 They also mean that lending rates , due to the higher cost must be higher and deposit rates must be lower than they would be in the Euromarkets .
21 In the first place , I always threatened the orchestra that if they played too loudly I would simply lower them by ten centimetres ; and if they continued , then by the end of the first act they would be in the dungeon .
22 It will tend to mean retailers will keep prices lower than they would be in the absence of rivals .
23 Er are you telling me that that is there are any existing pens , they would be in the sales company ?
24 I said that soon he would be in the Air Force and no longer a financial burden on Elfed , and , even more than that , when the war was over he would be a wage-earner at something or other , and would be able to help Elfed and Cis ; what was more , Elfed would be already well aware that the liability he resented would become an asset he welcomed .
25 He would be in the England squad if Newcastle were in the Premier League and we 'll put both those things right next season .
26 By now he would be in the train , the 17.20 , that got to Chelmsford just after ten to six .
27 Unknown to her , he would be in the cafe while she ate .
28 He said , with great politeness , that he would be in the buttery , always supposing anyone wanted to know , and Tybion the Tusk got up and helped him open the door , just to be friendly .
29 Huy hoped that when he died it would be in the desert or on the river , so that the vultures or the crocodiles would take him .
30 We are delighted that is willing to stand again for election as Hon. Treasurer , but she feels it would be in the Society 's interest to have an Assistant Treasurer who would become familiar with our accounting methods and be able to take over should be away for a short period .
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