Example sentences of "[pron] have not [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't tasted tiger since yesterday when I ate three for breakfast . "
2 I have n't had sex with him since the beginning of our marriage .
3 I 'm in the dark here obviously because I have n't I have n't had access to this particular case .
4 I do n't mind saveloy , I have n't had saveloy for a long while .
5 I have n't watched Top of the Pops .
6 Cos I have n't taken paracetamol for ages .
7 That is not to say that I have n't got sympathy for the problem that he 's faced with .
8 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
9 I have n't got patience for people who are ill
10 I 'll have a look at it after , I have n't got time at the moment .
11 ‘ It is not that I have n't got time for girls .
12 I have n't got time for a full match report but Wetheral , and indeed the whole back four , played exceptionally well .
13 We ai n't got time to think about it , I have n't got time for all that .
14 Er , and you start pressurising yourself all day , and it 's the old story , I have n't got time for planning , I 'd better get on with it .
15 Because you 're right , as soon as they make noises like that , I 'll shall say there is the door , get on the other side of it , I have n't got time for it .
16 I have n't got time for a lot of stuff .
17 So I said have you tried Healey He said er no I have n't got time for doing that .
18 I have n't got time to er mark them all in a formal sense , so just bring a plan y'know if y give me somebody give me a mock title cos I 'm very reluctant to dream up titles under these circumstances Okay , compare and contrast two theories of aggression .
19 Me brain 's so bloody crinkled up with other things I have n't got time to bloody think about driving .
20 I have n't got time before school , Adrian thought .
21 I have n't got access to what we need most — written evidence . ’
22 I have not given way to Opposition Members —
23 For the parent , the same phrase means the inverse : I have not given birth to the monster which my upbringing and socialisation led me to believe I 'd had , but to a normal member of the human species as I now define it .
24 I have not lost confidence in my ability .
25 I have not contemplated production of the type of leaflet to which my hon. Friend referred , but it is a good idea .
26 Like David , I have not got access to Satellite TV so I am also stuck with teletext and very poor coverage from the BBC .
27 Are there examples of successful theories which have not done justice to any of the espoused criteria ?
28 And those European countries which have not taken part in the fighting may have peace-making credentials in the Arab world at least as good as those who have .
29 Those who have n't taken advantage of early season low prices still have to take their hard-earned rest .
30 Conversely , there are patients with events who have not received resuscitation in whom the mechanisms responsible will be similar to those identified here .
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