Example sentences of "[pron] she have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Martha longed to show off her advancement in reading and writing , for which she had been noted in the valley , and was bewildered and humiliated when she could make no sense of the books she was given .
2 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
3 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
4 Of which she had been doing as Liz left the car .
5 This script began with Aunt Lilian 's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades .
6 ‘ Fred ’ as she was called on the circuit , played no less than 26 Federation and Wightman Cup rubbers for Britain , before directing her sporting talents , in a competitive sense , increasingly towards golf to which she had been introduced by her devoted husband Keith , himself a former leading British tennis junior .
7 These were the ordinary things from which she had been protected by her money and her ill health .
8 Although she could have sworn she had blacked out , she still somehow recalled the journey on which she had been taken by the tall man and a few others .
9 If his hair swayed into her face as they settled in the bus she wanted to hold it , to rub her cheek on it , to put it to her lips , and she thought there would be no pleasure in the world like giving in to him , which she had been anticipating with impatience but anxiety for so long .
10 After the depressing makeshifts to which she had been reduced by British rationing , the sensation of wonderful materials against her skin was almost as pleasing as the vendeuse 's comments about ‘ Madame 's wonderful figure ’ and striking face .
11 Turning her head round to see what the pain could be , Pepita had seen the spider scuttle back into the crate from which she had been thrown with the bananas .
12 Despite the tempting offer , Stephanie decided that working in Northampton House for Rentokil , which she 's been doing since August 1991 , was definitely preferable to Tunisia .
13 Bartels has been credited with helping Steffi , 23 , over the past two years in which she has been plagued by illness and unhappiness .
14 Here the unconscious mind takes the more specific form of Christabel 's sexuality and sexual desires , which she has been taught by her upbringing to disregard , and even to suppress , seeing them as the dark and evil side of human nature .
15 Vic knows what it is : a book entitled Enjoy Your Menopause , which one of Marjorie 's friends at the Weight Watchers ' club has lent her , and which she has been reading in bed , without much show of conviction , and falling asleep over , for the past week or two .
16 Moya , a seemingly relaxed woman in her forties , described her attacks , which she has been having for 20 years , as ‘ an enormous blackness and fear , like being held under water ’ .
17 It was me she had been looking at all that time , but secretively , like a girl .
18 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
19 Friends say she never recovered from hearing Gilbey , who she had been dating for two years , tell Diana he loved her — 53 times in the 23 minute call .
20 She could n't remember who she had been talking to .
21 She 'd replaced the receiver instantly and refused to tell him who she 'd been speaking to , but then , as now , there was something challenging in her expression .
22 Sir Stephen Brown , President of the Family Division , was hearing arguments from lawyers representing the 14-year-old girl , who can not be named , her parents and the mother of the 18-year-old boyfriend who she has been living with .
23 Then Joseph snapped : ‘ God knows who she 's been letting into this house . ’
24 " Did n't Jenny tell you she 's been working for me ? "
25 That was after the war ; during the war itself she had been known as just M , wherever she went .
26 Constance had lost Ludo — something she had been dreading on the journey up from Florence — but she was not alarmed .
27 It was something she 'd been wondering about .
28 It was the one she had been rehearsing for all her life — that of martyr .
29 When she changed schools , however , the maths A level course was different from the one she 'd been following at her old school , but the new teacher expected her to catch up immediately .
30 But , flicking her glance away from him when he caught her looking at him , she formed the view that she must have gone a little light-headed with the guilt of her conscience , because it seemed to her that since knowing him she had been visited by one strange thought or feeling after another .
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